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Our Faith Education For Students Study Multicultural Context

Posted on:2015-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428981070Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
People can’t live without belief, belief in personal and social development of great significance. Students in China bears learn professional knowledge, the dissemination of scientific ideas, art and cultural heritage of the task, with a high level of knowledge in the contemporary youth groups, shouldering the historical responsibility to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, also have a strong desire to search for the ultimate concern.Mainstream culture and mainstream culture, traditional culture and modern culture, elite culture and mass culture intricately intertwined in the contemporary China. Accordingly, the university campus also presents a multi-culture collision and fusion, constantly influences and shapes the spiritual beliefs of college students. It provides a new perspective on the world and life value and significance for College Students.At the same time, also caused the diversification of college students’value choice standard, makes it hard for college students in the face of the problem by choosing the appropriate value measure and lost generation.At present, belief education of colleges and universities is only limited to the Ideological and Political Theory Course teaching. The course is relatively simple, lack of guidance to college students from the viewpoint of ultimate concern.The author analyzes from general theory of belief and belief education. Through belief status survey of university students in Beijing area, we can find out problems of College Students’Belief Education and targeted ways for the belief education. Also we can enhance the effectiveness of belief education in colleges and universities and ultimately promote the free and comprehensive development of college students.
Keywords/Search Tags:University student, Multiculturalism, belief, belief education
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