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An Anthropological Analysis Of Lottery-holders Consuming Behavior

Posted on:2015-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G YaoFull Text:PDF
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In many lottery problems research, study of humanistic thinking punters group isrelatively small, with a lottery betting station as the representative research is few.This article from the perspective of anthropology, the integrated use of anthropology,sociology, leisure, study, psychology and other multi-disciplinary theories andmethods, with a lottery betting station J province C city as the breakthrough point, adetailed investigation into the specific circumstances of this punters in betting, puntersthe community of the tentative exploration and analysis on the consumption behavior,try to real with the author’s experience of present consumption behaviorcharacteristics of the punters. At the same time, the article discusses the lottery for thespecial significance of punters groups.In this paper, a total of three parts.The first part of the introduction, introduces the domestic present for lotteryindustry related research and its angle of their choice, and by summing up the aboveresearch, to produce a great deal of research about the lottery has focused on twoaspects, one is the macro aspects in view of the state and the relevant administrativedepartment of the study, more than from the angle of the management of laws,regulations and public articles;Second is the micro-level study of punters on consumergroups, from economics and psychology of the article.At the same time, the first partalso introduces the concept about the lottery industry and the research purpose,significance and methods of this article.The second part is composed of four chapters.The second chapter, the basic conditions of lottery tickets and lottery bettingstation, introduces the origin and development of the lottery, illustrates the reason oflottery industry generated.Specific to our country, this paper introduces thedevelopment and status quo of China’s lottery industry.Specific to J province C city,again through the field interview a lottery employees in the city, about the origin,development and present situation of the lottery industry.At the same time, the first chapter also introduces the lottery betting station of the specific situation andpersonnel engaged in ticket sales.The third chapter,the specific situation of the punters.Mainly introduces thecomposition of the resident population characteristics.Introduced by means ofquestionnaire survey case in the age of the resident population proportion, theproportion of men and women, the information such as income level.Each oneaccording to the characteristics of the composition of the resident community residentconsumption characteristics of different types, and tried to analyze the reasons.The fourth chapter, punters and lottery tickets.This chapter first describes thepunters for lottery’s point of view.Then, in view of the resident population of a special‘count’phenomenon, the author makes a detailed description.Finally, combined withanthropology, sociology and leisure, the author attempted to choose the economicsangle to see the lottery and resident consumption behavior.The fifth chapter, the units and individuals that are associated with the lottery’sadvice.Roughly divided into two parts in this chapter, respectively from two aspectsof management and punters give some advice.One is according to the ministry of civilaffairs and sports related rules and regulations, the welfare lottery and sports lotteryrelated propaganda work and the related Suggestions to various provinces and citieslottery management center;Secondly, in view of the punters, punters consumptionmentality and resident consumption characteristics related Suggestions are given.While the third part is the conclusion, the author agrees that there is some badphenomenon in the lottery industry on the basis of, at the same time the author in thelottery betting station half a year’s experience, summed up the tickets for the role andsignificance of the corresponding group.In the age of the social prejudice, how toguide the lottery to correct, supplement social public welfare undertakings, to promotethe healthy development of society, it is the responsibility of the whole society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lottery, Lottery-holders, Betting station, Consuming Behavior, Anthropology
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