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Design And Development Of Career Planning E-education Platform For Secondary Vocational Students

Posted on:2015-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428451583Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to meet the urgent needs of the economic changes and the basic requirement tocomplete the essential task of secondary vocational education, secondary vocational careerplanning education should be developed effectively. In recent years, secondary vocationalcareer planning education gains a preliminary development, but limited by some defects of thetraditional classroom teaching model, the teaching form which based on classroom teaching,adopted in the current secondary vocational school, is difficult to meet the actual needs ofsecondary vocational student’s career planning education, which has become the bottleneck forthe effective development of secondary vocational career planning education, nowadays. Withthe continuous development of education informatization, the advantages of network educationis more and more obvious, and the use of network education is more and more wide. As animportant supplement to the traditional classroom teaching mode, the application of networkeducation can largely make up the defects oftraditionalclassroomteaching mode, and tackle thedevelopment bottleneck validly, thus, to promote the development of secondary vocationalstudent’s career planning education effectively and rapidly.Based on the real need, this paper has carried out the research on building career planningE-education platform for the secondary vocational students. According to secondary vocationalstudent’s actual characteristics and the practical need of secondary vocational career planningeducation, there are three advantages on the design of the platform: firstly, do emphasize thepertinence. In line with the secondary vocational students’ career development characteristics,psychological characteristics and cognitive ability, targeted design is needed by the structure ofnetworkteaching strategies, resources and situations; secondly, do pursuit the effectiveness. Theplatformcan provide students with bothselfanalysis evaluationand teacher evaluationbased onthe career planning electronic archives. Through the analysis of the self assessment, studentscan realize themselves objectively and comprehensively, and ascertain their career orientationand developing direction. On the basis of students’personal career planning electronic archives,teachers can provide personalized career planning guidance for different students, thereby, to help each student find suitable career for their own development; thirdly, do embody theopenness. with the help of the platform, not only can students solve problems existing in thenetwork learning through interacting with the school professional tutors, but also eliminate theindividual psychological confusion because of the education, employment and other issues, andobtain professional career planning guidance through online communication with externalpsychological consultant and career planning experts.Literature research method, content analysis method, survey study method and othermethods are comprehensive used in the research, according to the theory of constructivismlearning theory, situational learning theory and Ginsberg’s youth career development theory, onthe basis of field survey on the present situation of secondary vocational career education,related teachers and students, in accordance with the need of students’ learning and teachersteaching requirements and course characteristics, completing the establishment of functionarchitecture, system flow, and the design of the database table structure for the development ofthe platform. Then, according to the specification of the software development process, usingMVC design pattern, PHP+MySQL network application system development environment,and B/S three layer architecture technical solution, based on the realization of key technologies,such as the front-end web design and background development technology, streaming mediatechnology, database caching technology, plug-in technology, and so on, achieving thedevelopment of both front-end function modules and corresponding background managementfunction modules. Finally, respectively making use ofthree different test methods, including theunit test, integration test and validitytest,to test the platform. Test results showthat the platformhas a complete function and a reliable system operation, can meet all the required needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:career planning, vocational school students, E-education, platform, design, development
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