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A Brief View On Building Up The "Little Teaching Much Learning" Mode In High School Chinese Reading Teaching

Posted on:2014-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiFull Text:PDF
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The aim of building up the high school Chinese reading teaching "little teaching much learning" mode is to develop student-centered learning way in the Chinese reading teaching in high schools and help the students learn to self-study,to question, to cooperate, to explore in the "autonomy, cooperation, explore" reading activities; let them ask, analysis, and try to solve the problems on its own in their reading learning activities, so that it helps improve the reading ability of students, cultivate the students’ reading interest, form the student lifelong reading habits, and try to cultivate students’ innovative spirit and creative ability, thus reaching the full implementation of quality education..High school Chinese reading teaching "little teaching much learning" mode requires us high school Chinese teachers to make full use of our leading role, and reflect the students’ main body status. The basic method of teachers using this pattern in reading is before the text reading teaching teachers should let the students read the text first by themselves, provide sufficient time for students to demonstrate their reading achievement and share with students the achievements of their reading, so that the students can read more, think more, speak more, and study actively and interestedly. After understanding the students’ reading situations, teachers then can teach purposely, which requires us teachers to teach elaborately, and in high quality, so as to realize the teaching effect as much as possible with the least amount of time, the smallest energy input.In this article through studying the high school language textbooks of modern and contemporary literature text (including novels, proses, and dramas), and combining with my own continuously grope for classroom teaching practice, reflection, and timely adjustment, I conclude and summarize experience and lessons in a timely manner, and the final result is mainly manifested in the following respects:1. Pay attention to read aloud to create situation for students’ imagination, so as to let the student read independently and develop their main body role fully in classical poetry reading teaching.2. Pay attention to use words teaching and staggered operation to supplement each other in a way that students show their self-study results in classical Chinese reading teaching.3. Pay attention to fully mobilize students’ emotional experience and life experience to understand prose emotion, reason, grade prose images of beauty, language beauty, RenQing beauty, etc., and make it an opportunity for students to talk about their own understanding in prose reading teaching.4. Pay attention to guide the student to grasp the characters through understanding the plot from the excavation of the theme of the work,so as to arouse the students’ interest in reading fiction in novel reading teaching.5. Pay attention to students’ desire for performance, singing, writing dramas in reading teaching dramas.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school Chinese, reading, less teaching more learning
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