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The Evolution Of Supervision System Of Modern Liaoning

Posted on:2014-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425969359Subject:History of education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the established of new China, the first regulations named "The Supervision of the Education Ordinance" has been issued and implemented on October1st,2012. From then on, the supervised system of Chinese development and practice has been accorded with the national security administration and legal system. Subsequently, research and practice on the construction of supervised system of China has been focused on by agro-scientific research in the education fields. The first introduction and implementation of modern supervised system is in Liaoning province. This article has carded and researched Liaoning modern supervised system from the modern times. Big to small peep, Providing the experience and lessons to the development of the supervised system of China.Detailed research is divided into three parts:Part Ⅰ:Introduce the establishment of the department in inspection system during the late Qing dynasty and start of educational inspection in Liaoning. The establishment of inspectional officer and the promulgation of "The Inspectional Officer’s Regulations" recorded marked the start of the central government’s educational inspection. The selection of educational inspectors in Liaoning province had been went into the early stages of educational inspection.Part Ⅱ:The whole time is divided into two parts, one is1912-1919and the other is1920-1931. It can be divided into five aspects:the establishment of inspectional institutions in Liaoning province, local educational inspectional constitution issue, the implementation of the inspection system, Educational Inspectors of the new requirements, and the standardization of the inspection system. It can be proclaimed the start of Liaoning educational inspection of the late Qing dynasty, and announced the whole development of Liaoning inspectional system.Part Ⅲ:Based on the historical facts andanalysis the basis of the first two parts, we generalized the main characteristics of modern Liaoning inspection and supervision system. We sum up the historical experience and lessons and giveinspiration to peole who research the contemporary Chinese supervision system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern China, Liaoning, The Steering System, Evolution
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