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The Scaffolding Construction Of Social Music Grading On Music Education In Primary And Secondary Schools

Posted on:2014-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425957367Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Music is not only a time art, art of hearing, but also more of a passinghappy art. It can make people have healthy moral sentiments, promote the formation ofgood personality, and improve people’s aesthetic taste. In the middle and primaryschools, music education as the main way of aesthetic education, has attracted theattention of all circles of society, but in reality because of the influence of factors suchas the promotion rate of school, music education in primary and secondary schools is ina more embarrassing situation: on the one hand, the role in promoting students’ qualitycannot be underestimated, on the other hand, art subject has to make way for otherculture courses. The present situation of education makes a lot of primary and secondaryschool music education in the importance, teacher qualifications, the creation ofteaching environment greatly reduced, and music lessons become leisure courses forstudents to relax, which is against the original intention of music education. Socialmusic grading test is not the same with the popularity of music education, in which ifstudents want to gain some music performance certification, they must learn basicmusic knowledge and skills, so as to improve the identification ability of singing,playing music and performing ability. In a sense, Social Music Grading Test canimprove music education in primary and secondary schools. Therefore, the dialecticalview of Social Music Grading Test scaffolding on music education in primary andsecondary schools construction function is the core of the thesis.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction and itexplains the research background, significance, research methods and research situation.The second part analyzes the significance and problems of the current music educationin primary and middle schools. According to the social investigation, the third partanalyzes the problems of existing music grading test.The fourth part analyzes the relationship between the current social Music Grading Test and the elementary andmiddle schools music education, focusing on the positive and negative effects. The lastpart is the key of this paper, which illustrates the Social Music Grading Test on threepoints of music education of school:(1) the social concept of grading is helpful toenhance the quality of school music education.(2) Standard management of SocialMusic Grading Music Education has a positive impact on school music education.(3)Parents, teachers, schools and society should deal with the Social Music Grading Testcorrectly to improve music education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Music Grading Music Education, Music education in primary, and secondary schools, The scaffolding construction, Standard management
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