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A Research On Current Situation And Strategies Of Emotional Teaching In IT Environment

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330422959584Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Information superhighway","multimedia" and "electronic", as the representativeof the development of information technology, have rapidly extended to the field ofbasic education and have become an important direction of development of theeducation reform in the new century. China’s basic education reform clearly outlines3D curriculum goals, that is, knowledge and skill, processes and methods, emotionalattitude and values,3D curriculum goals have reversed the phenomenon ofhighlighting the knowledge but ignoring the emotion, which has been long-standing inour educational system. Now, the emotion is considered as important as the cognition.The wide utilization of computers, networks, and electronics as the carrier ofinformation technology in subject teaching is good for the popularity anddevelopment of education information, improving the quality of education andteaching effectiveness. However, our country’s education is still influenced by thetraditional education (examination-oriented education), attaching great importance tothe students’ cognitive development, but ignoring the learners’ physical andpsychological development. In this study, emotional teaching in informationtechnology (IT) environment from two dimensions (teachers and students) wasinvestigated and analyzed. Finally, the emotional teaching strategies were put forward.First of all, the relevant concepts were defined, and the theoretical base of theresearch was elaborated in details. Then the literature about the emotional teaching inIT environment at home and abroad has been reviewed, and analyzed the necessityand feasibility of this study. On this basis, we investigated and analyzed the presentsituation of emotional teaching through organizing and analyzing the data of thesurvey and the materials of the interviews. The results reveals that teachers realize theeffectiveness of emotion in education, but the concept of emotional teaching is seldomimplemented in the context of information technology due to the factors such astraditional teaching as well as a lack of methods, At the same time, learners hope toget teachers ’ attention and help in the learning process, they tend to enjoy the relaxedatmosphere in courses and like the teachers ’ who have helped them. Based on the investigation and analysis, we put forward the strategies.This thesis is divided into five parts. The first chapter is the introduction, mainlyelaborating the research background of emotion teaching in IT environment and theresearch purpose and significance, research ideas and methods, the definition of coreconcepts and the innovation point of the research.The second chapter gives a comprehensive overview about the development ofemotion teaching at home and abroad, then elaborates the research of theoretical basisfrom the two aspects of philosophy and educational psychology (cognitive psychology,the theory of multiple intelligences, the "learning and teaching" theory of Ausubel).The third chapter presents the theory of emotional function in IT environment.The fourth chapter is about the investigation and analysis on current situation ofemotional teaching in IT environment from two aspects of teachers and students, withthe aim of probing the current situation of emotional teaching in IT environment.The fifth chapter proposes the emotional teaching strategies in IT environmentbased on the results of the survey.The sixth chapter presents the conclusions and reflection. This study summarizesthe survey results, and draws conclusions, then finds out the insufficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:information technology, emotional teaching, primary schoolgrade five
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