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Research On The Compulsory Education Affecting By The Population Change In Liaoning Province

Posted on:2014-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z R DingFull Text:PDF
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In1980s, China began to make the Family Planning policy, the total fertility ratedropped rapidly in Liaoning province. The total population and the population agestructure of Liaoning province have made a remarkable change during the followingthirty years. At the same time, the process of urbanization is accelerating which makesto rural surplus of labor move from the countryside to the city. And population indestination and moving out city has renewed again. The changes of both the birth rateand population migration is bound to have an effect on many aspects, such aseconomy, society, culture, education and so on in city and rural.According to the law, the education in our country, especially Nine-yearCompulsory Education is school education which is universality and free. That is thefoundation of the promotion in the national quality. Compulsory education is the mostimportant part of the revolution of the Chinese education. China treats theimplementation of all school-age children can go to school as a development goal.Along with the continuous changes in population and distribution of populationchanges, the number of the school-age population of compulsory education also haschanged.This paper using prediction models and research methods of demography, takingthe compulsory education of school-age population as the starting point, aims toexplore the impact of compulsory education affecting by the population change in theLiaoning province. On the one hand, this paper predicts the trend of the changes ofnatural population and migration population in the next twenty years. On the otherhand, this paper also predicts the distribution of the school and the teaching staff. Itwill get the further situation in demand and supply of the compulsory education in2015-2030through the comparison with the relationship between the supply anddemand of compulsory education. That provides the data basis for formulating themacro education distribution, education strategy planning and co-ordinating urban andrural education resources in Liaoning province.
Keywords/Search Tags:population change, the school-age population, the balance ofdemand and supply
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