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The Influence Of Campus Media In Ideological And Political Education

Posted on:2014-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401483964Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, it is the times of the information globalization and socialized media.The media becomes more important for it has infiltrated all over the society. Campusmedia, such as newspaper and periodicals, broadcast, outdoor media, campus net,mobile phone, has become the most part of the mass media. It is not only theimportant channel of obtaining information to the college teachers and students, butalso the important carrier ideological and political education in universities that also isinfluenced by the media. The campus media brings new opportunities and challengefor the ideological and political education in universities.The paper analyses the impact of campus media on ideological and politicaleducation in universities by using the questionnaire investigation on the basis of thecurrent theories. The preface states the foundation and significance to the topic of thispaper and explains briefly the status of the current academic.The text is divided into three sections:The first section:an overview of campus media. Firstly, describing the academicconcepts related to media and mass media. On the basic, they propose the definitionof the campus media. Secondly, it analyses the types of the campus media that isdivided into traditional media and new-media. The traditional media is classified intothe campus newspaper, campus broadcast and campus outdoor media. The new-mediais classified into campus network which includes news website, BBS and red websiteand mobile phone which includes SMS, fetion and M-paper. Thirdly, the text analysesthe uniqueness of the campus media. Lastly, it states the function of campus media,that is, information transmission, opinion guidance and culture entertainment.The second section: it states the effects and reasons of the campus media to theideological and political education in universities. Firstly, it tells us the situation of thecampus media’s use in university students and the development of the campus media.Secondly, the paper introduces the chance was taken by the campus media, such asbroadened the educator and educatee’s horizon, enriched methods and means of theideological and political education in universities, strengthened the contents ofideological and political education in universities and so on. Thirdly, it states the newchallenge to the ideological and political education in universities by campus media.Such as,shaking the authority of ideological and political educator, complicating thecontents of the ideological and political education in universities, and weakening theass-assessment and management. Lastly, it illustrates the negative influence ofcampus media to the ideological and political education in universities form therespective of Management Department, campus media, students and even thedevelopment of media resources. The third section: this section illustrates how to play the role of campus media toservice the ideological and political education in universities. There are four aspects:Insisting on the principles of ideological and political education; enhancing the overallquality of ideological and political education in universities; strengthen the medialiteracy education of the university student; Having good guiding ideology andperfecting the operation system of the campus media.
Keywords/Search Tags:the ideological and political education in university, campus media, influence
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