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A Case Study On Different Types Of Primary School’s Teacher Allocation In The Counties

Posted on:2014-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401481192Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Equalization to promote the development of primary school education in thecounty, the key is to balance the allocation of teachers. Based on the view ofeducational justice as the ideological basis, to the balanced development of educationconcept and educational resources allocation theory as the methodology foundation,analyzed by D southwest County as a case of empirical research on the southwest, DCounty in different types of primary school teachers based on conifguration, ifnd outthe existing problems, combined with the status of education in D County differenttypes of primary school,analysis of the causes of the problem of unbalanceddistribution of teachers, provide suggestions to solve the problem in order to promotethe balanced allocation of different types of primary school teachers.The D southwest County as case studies, we selected five D county villages andtowns including center Town, as the object of study, and according to the primaryschool is located within the county’s primary school will be divided into four types:one is the primary school in the county seat of the county; two is in the township islocated the town center primary school; three is a perfect village in the administrativevillage; four is in the natural village or individual administrative village teaching point.From three aspects of quantity, the four primary school teachers quality and structureanalysis, draw the outline of the overall situation of different types of primary schoolin D County in the allocation of teachers, summed up in the allocation of teachers ofdifferent types in D County Primary School problems.Considering the subjectivity in the allocation of teachers is the countygovernment and the administrative departments of education, this paper attempts toanalyze from subject of conifguration two category of teacher management andtreatment, speciifc to this study is from the teacher appointment system, on-the-jobtraining, welfare and professional title evaluation by analyzing the causes of differenttypes of primary school the problem of unbalanced distribution of teachers the countyin four aspects, puts forward some countermeasures of the balanced allocation ofteachers of different types of primary school reform and according to the analysis ofthe causes from the teacher appointment and perfect, the reform of the system ofteacher training system, the implementation of the "policy of positive discrimination"and occupation development mechanism innovation of teachers in four aspects.In this paper, the research on different types of primary school in D County in theallocation of teachers, a leading D southwest county government and educationadministrative departments for different types of primary school teachers in thecounty of unbalanced allocation issues, on the other hand, hope that through thisresearch for China is currently promoting the balanced allocation in primary schooleducation teachers provide some countermeasures for reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:counties, primary school education, teacher allocation, equalization
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