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The Research For The Cultural Diplomacy Between China And Russia Under Strategic Cooperative Partnership

Posted on:2015-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428996517Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the Cold War, the international situation has undergonesignificant changes. Northeast Asia is a collection of regional interestsof big powers; the relationship involves a number of bilateral relations.The Sino-Russian relationship is one of the important relationships. Atpresent, the Sino-Russian relations have entered into a period of stableand healthy development, they established the Sino-Russian strategicpartnership,and wide scope of cooperation between the two countries. Itshould be said, the Sino-Russian relations are in the best period inhistory. It must be noted that while the positive development of bilateralpolitical relations, the history of conflict between the two countriesand the cultural differences are becoming barriers of mutualunderstanding and mutual trust,and may further affect the health ofbilateral relations development. Therefore, after the establishment ofa strategic partnership, Chinese and Russian governments carry outactivities in cultural diplomacy, covering many fields include education,culture, health, sports, and media. Meanwhile, the two governments createopportunities to promote exchanges and cooperation between civil societyand its purpose is to eliminate the gap between the two countries in thehistory and culture of understanding, enhance mutual trust, consolidateand promote the development of bilateral relations.This paper emphatically introduces the Sino-Russian culturaldiplomacy activities and achievements, analyzes the characteristics ofcultural diplomacy between the two countries, as well as the role ofcultural diplomacy in resolving bilateral cooperation problems duringexchanges. The article is divided into five parts: The first part introduces the concepts of cultural diplomacy, by describing itscharacteristics leads to the world of cultural diplomacy applications.The second part, first of all, from a historical perspective, thedetermination of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperationbetween two countries, secondly elaborate exchange activities andachievements between China and Russia in the comprehensive strategiccooperative partnership. The third part introduces a variety of culturalexchanges between China and Russia in practical ways and characteristicsof strategic partnership framework. The fourth part points out problemsin the relations between the two countries and analyzes the role playedby cultural diplomacy. In the final conclusion, evaluate the developmentof cultural relations between China and Russia on the role of the relationsbetween the two countries, and puts forward advices on how to furtherdeepen the cultural exchanges between China and Russia relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural diplomatic, China-Russian relationship, Culturalcooperation and achievements
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