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A Preliminary Study On The Governance Of Arctic Environment

Posted on:2015-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428479919Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Arctic is like a mirror of the Earth’s environment, sensitive and fragile. This mirror reflects the subtle changes of global environment. Throughout the history of the Arctic environment, the reasons for Arctic global environmental problems can be traced to the fur trade in5-11century AD. About this piece of former wastel, colonial predatory exploitation in the history and production activities of modern humans result in a "fatal injuries." Arctic environment is facing enormous challenges.Existing environmental governance in the Arctic, which originated in the early stage of international cooperation in the Arctic region, after30years, has formed eight Arctic countries in the kernel, the rest of the country is relatively exclusive model of governance. Viewed from the Arctic environmental governance process, international governance for Arctic environment is full of ills. There are mainly three aspects. First, the existing governance treaty "fragmentation","overlap" and lack of comprehensive, targeted Arctic environmental legislation. Second, Countries in the world, especially the eight Arctic countries, ratified the Convention unevenly. Multiple governance subjects lack of coordination. Third, governance mechanisms is lagging behind.The root of existing problems that are coveted Arctic resources by countries. No Man’s Land and the history of the existing mechanisms can not effectively solve the sovereign rights dispute of countries.The Arctic environmental governance and political, economic, energy and other factors intertwined. First, the complex geopolitical situation challenges the governance capacity of the international community, the Arctic environmental governance have become the excuses for Arctic countries to involve in Arctic affairs. Second, the development and utilization of resources contribute a huge amount of economic growth for the Arctic countries, which result human activity increasing. Third, the Arctic environment is unique, complex. It is the center of the roundabout pollutants and carbon dioxide in the world’s largest cave. Its fragile repair ability bring the reality of the difficulties of governance. On the one hand, Arctic environmental governance challenges governance capacity of the international community. On the other hand, it is a gimmick countries involved in Arctic affairs. In the foreseeable future, Arctic environmental governance largely depends on the world order and the struggle between different political rights. After all, in this complex international community, the nature of governance in the Arctic environment is great power politics of the game.In order to solve the problems of the Arctic environment, the author presents the path of governance personal views. In the legislative level, need to accelerate the establishment international legislation based on management throughout the Arctic comprehensive ecosystem. The feasibility and effectiveness are needed to consider two dimensions of legislation. Through practical considerations, the author proposed a "procedural governance", from "a field of ecology" legislation, the gradual improvement of the formation of an "integrated" legislation. In Practical level, the Arctic region has a number of complex ecosystems, improve governance is the key to achieve sustainable development in the Arctic. By establishment of monitoring mechanisms and practice a wide range of mechanisms, achieve bottom-diffusion treatment. Finally, the relationship between pluralistic governance subjects, is cooperation and interdependence, but also full of confrontation and conflict, which indicates the complexity of the game between the diverse governance subjects. Transboundary of environmental issues, each governance subject achieves the common consensus to avoid the main difficulties, and the complementary functions of governance subjects, jointly decide the multiple subjects inevitable cooperation. It should be noted that the country is still the main governance subject, but it must be voluntary for transferring sovereignty partly to other actors, to increase the legitimacy of the other actors. And proposed governance structure is the ideal three-dimensional, multi-layered concentric game structure. Environmental issues as the center, collaboration among the level of internal governance body, mutual collaboration between the levels, to form concentric and depth cooperative game structure.This paper is divided into three parts. The first part describes the background knowledge of environmental governance in theoretical level, and views from a historical perspective, strokes along the origin of Arctic environmental issues, states the important history issues of Arctic environmental governance.The second part discusses the Arctic environmental governance problems and causes. Mainly through the list method, state facts and explain existing treaties "overlap" and fragmentation, demonstrated a lack of coordination multiple governance body. By comparing arctic countries’strategies, explain the complex geopolitical situation tangled with environmental problems. By economic data, analyzes the potential economic benefits to prove that future governance is hindered by economic temptation. Meanwhile, by metaphor narrative describing the unique and complex of Arctic environment.The third part discusses the selected path of Arctic environmental governance. Respectively, from the top-level to strengthen the legislation, from the bottom-up to improve the grassroots governance mechanisms and forming concentric layers of three-dimensional structure of cooperative game. Expect the international community to effective governance of the Arctic environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:The arctic, Environmental Problems, Governance
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