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Fabricated, Deliberately Spread False Terrorist Information Of Sin

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G J HanFull Text:PDF
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Article two hundred and ninety-one in criminal law of the People’s Republic ofChina "organizing a mob to disturb public order crime, traffic order, on the falsedangerous substances; fabricate, deliberately spread false terrorism information sin".There are provisions in the second paragraph:“in fabricating bomb threats,biochemical threats, radiation threats such as terrorism information, or knowinglydeliberately fabricated the horrors of the information transmission, seriouslydisturbing social order, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not morethan five years, criminal detention or public surveillance; Thereby causing seriousconsequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than fiveyears.”Deliberately spread false terrorist information crime legislative intent is tocrack down on terrorist crimes, but now with the emergence of social diversity, hasdeviated from the original course toward the direction of the social public order, thisbehavior to the social public’s psychological caused great anxiety and panic, seriouslydisturbed the normal order of social status, even serious endanger the citizen’spersonal and property safety. In this article, through the analysis of a series of cases,discusses relevant legal issues and research, to fabricate, deliberately spread falseterrorist information crime judicial practice operation to provide the reference andreference.This article mainly through case analysis, empirical analysis, comparativeanalysis and other research methods mainly from the following four aspects tofabricate, deliberately spread false terrorism information composition of sins isanalyzed: Firstly, through Wang wenze fabricating and spreading "to bomb thisevening at the Shanghai pudong airport" text case analysis some of the focusproblems to is "make up" and "deliberately spread" that has been clear about thesubjective aspect of this crime. Then analyzing of some focus problems of Linxiaoyan case, dissected from what is a "false" information, and what is a "terrorist" information of false terrorism information are in detail described. And next, throughLi zongmin case to illustrate the behavior of what constitute a "serious" disturbingsocial order, to what extent can be referred to as a "severe". At last, through to theFeng Yupeng extort money he fabricates terrorist information case illustrates theserious consequences of standards, mainly through the case analysis to know whatkind of consequences is the serious consequences.Through the analysis of the several typical cases, fabricating, deliberately spreadfalse terrorist information crime all important documents and the application of themeasurement of penalty and the conviction is becoming more clear.
Keywords/Search Tags:fabricate, deliberately spread, false terrorisminformationsocial, order, standards
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