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The Influence Of Internet To The Elderly Continue Socialization

Posted on:2014-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330425992777Subject:Science, technology and society
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The elderly continue to socialization means that in order to integrate and adapt to the needs of the society, the elderly should understand social culture, learn new knowledge, skills and social norms, adjust social relations after they exit from society. The population of our country is the most in the world, the coming of aging society along with the innovation of the new technology provides a new opportunity to aging people. Although the total network participation is still inadequate among the elderly, we can see uptrend from the historical data which shows two things: firstly, the number of people using the Internet in China has exploded; Secondly, the number of the elderly in our country is growing faster than the other groups.At the same time, there are a series of problems in social endowment. There are deviations in the elderly continuing socialization even bad behavior, due to. inadaptation after separating from society. Foreign scholars have found that even sociologists also almost not pay attention to adjustment of social roles after leaving from society. Network is a carrier of the multivariate model information in the new century, under the general uptrend, how to think over the affection of network to elderly users is a major problem. Study of Internet elderly users around the world has entered a hard stage and foreign researchers have focused on net leisure and social contact, moreover, network medical applications.Our scholars’research shows the clear characteristics of the elderly in our country, such as the elder’s will of our country is home-based care, electronic media become major accompany methods, the elderly always not agree to the view of young people even despise their behavior. The particularity of the elderly request us to research on our own special national condition and the formation of pension mode needs more ways to broaden the channels.All above, old people become one of the increasing network groups of our country, the affection of network to continuing socialization of the elderly and avoiding the alienation phenomenon of network are the main problems in this paper. This paper via send questionnaires among the age of60years, stand in the Angle of the objective to discuss the impact on the socialization of the elderly, The innovation point of this paper is to focus on the internet’s impact on the socialization of the elderly continue socialization.the network of social research in our country are neglected, Be along with the popularization of Internet and the growth of the elderly population, the capable of acting on each other become a new socialization model of internet and human.This paper involves family、culture、social role and social participation-the four parts of continue socialization. The Internet in several aspects of the construction of individual socialization process has been covered basically. Oxford University professor Ian Gordon take a speech on TED and in which he mentioned six challenges world will faced before2030.It’s including information and cognition of technical innovation, media miracle or moral nightmare, aging new dynamic. Through the analysis of this article we will understand the old people in the network to use for the elderly in both positive and negative influence to participate in social activities, given the continued social cultural participation, which should be considered in the moral construction and the character building and is the main content of this paper will be focused in this research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Continuing socialization, senior, internet
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