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Under Conditions Of Informatization Construction Of Ideological And Cultural Fronts Exploration

Posted on:2014-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J XianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330425479733Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current world is experiencing a revolutionary change. As global launch information and information technology revolution, plays a decisive role in an unprecedented fashion to social changes direction, the result certainly lead to the realization of the global information society. The information society in production activities that a wide range of information technology introduced, so that the department of automation to achieve a new level; On the other hand, as the result of the cooperation of the telecommunications and the computer system, the information can be transported to any place of world in a few seconds, so that human activity show the characteristic of information activities; Finally, information and information machine became the active participants of all the activities, and even participate in the perception of human activities, concept activities and the original dynamic sexual activity. In this progress, the information knowledge is the way to the system is applied in the change of material resources, are alternative labor become national production in the "value-added" the source. This revolutionary will not only change the production process, the more important is that it will be through the change of social communication and transmission structure and ecbolic out a new era, the new society. In this society, a society of main information knowledge wealth, information knowledge flow became the main power of social development, information intelligence source become a new power source. With the popularization of information technology, information acquisition will further realize the democratization, equality, which reflects the social and political relations and economic competition may have a new form and content, and the outcome depends on who enjoy information source advantage. Information and the characteristics of information technology in social and economic development will also bring new pattern.The network is the product of the informatization condition, and become the most important human communication platform, even become part of the lives of the people, the network has started to influence people’s living and consumption, become the important platform of human thought culture communication. But because of cultural exchange network ideological characteristics, online culture platform of a free, open, equality and virtual sex also thought of the culture communication network to a lot of disadvantages, network thought culture dissemination platform need through the more strict management and standardize, strengthen ideological culture of Chen online can promote the construction of network for a healthy and meet the demands of the era of network culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:informatization condition, network culture, traditional culture, construction ofideological and cultural front, countermeasure
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