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On The Administrative Regulation Of The Publishing Industry

Posted on:2014-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330401958472Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society, as the carrier of freedom of speech, publishing already has become an important tool for the people to express their thoughts and feelings. At the same time, the social guiding function of publications could not be ignored. As intellectual products, the ideological value of the publications contained is inimitable. For example, in the process of conveying knowledge, publications could also spread the thoughts, and once the corresponding thoughts were accepted by the readers, they could affect the reader’s political standpoints, concepts, moral sentiments, etc. simultaneously and imperceptibly. Therefore, a good book could inspire and educate a multitude of people, whereas, a bad book could also poison a large number of people, and bring about harmful social consequences. As a result, how to guarantee the freedom of the press, which is bestowed by the constitution, and at the same time, to administrate the publishing logically, constituted the important norms of the development degrees of modern countries in spiritual civilization.In our country, the publishing system is still at the transition period, and a perfect law of publications is not formulated by the government. For a long time, the publishing was administered by public institutions, and it was adjusted by administrative means from the government, such as messages, instructions, notifications, and so on. With the development of the establishment of market economic system, the industrialization reform and commercial remanufacture of publishing industry, the disadvantages of the existed administrative regulation system and measures of publishing industry of our country became more and more obvious. The main manifestations are as follows:structural imbalance, more general publications and less fine publications; more import and less export; more following the fashion trends and less innovative; more piratical and less protecting of intellectual property rights; more unsalable and less salable. The rampart of industry entry is too high, and the new publishing companies cannot get examination and approval. The restriction of the book numbers is extremely strict, and so forth. How to resolve these realistic problems became the realistic motive about how to regulate scientifically the publishing industry, and propel its prosperous development.The research idea of this study is to start from the definition of basic concepts, then, analyze some current conditions and theories in details. Finally, based on the analysis, the causes of these current conditions were summarized. Based on many national and international references, and combined current law, legislation and policy of our country, I used analysis and summarization as research methods, to dissect the historical development and theoretical basis of the publishing regulation system of our country, analyze the current-existed main problems of the publishing industry, and put forward innovative suggestions for the development of publishing regulation system of our country. The whole thesis contained seven sections. Section one is the introduction, and sections two to six are the main content of the thesis. The basic concepts, the theoretical basis of the publishing regulation system, the historical development of the publishing regulation system of our country, the current-existed problems and innovative suggestions were introduced and analyzed, respectively. The last section is for the conclusions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Publishing, administrative regulation, freedom ofexpression, public interest
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