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On The Relationship Between The Han Dynasty In Aesthetic Theory Of Art And Morality

Posted on:2015-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ChangFull Text:PDF
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Aesthetic thoughts in ancient China is breeds the formation in the soil of ritual culture. In the han dynasty, almost all schools of thought the artist’s emotional must abstemious, by\"the ritual\" in the etiquette in the formation of moral emotion because of depending on social practice and man’s subjective efforts and with freedom. Human morality through spontaneous and conscious stage gradually condensed into individual personality, the moral emotion, freedom, subjectivity is revealed by the aesthetic emotion in the art. Han Dynasty poetry and music theory, ShuLun, painting to dong, esthetician such as Si Maqian, Yang Xiong, Ban Gu, Wang Chong, and aesthetic works such as Huai Nanzi, Yue Ji, Shi Daxu, are certainly the subject of love on the basis of the emphasis on the social ethics of feeling of the artistic creation main body freedom relative binding force, but this binding force is so much the mandatory of ethic as main body emotions naturally, unconsciously and consciously spirit conversion. The Han Dynasty aesthetic theory emphasize the relationship of the true, the good and the beautiful and the unified relationship of character and Artistic quality. it is essentially the closer the distance between art and morality. Emotion is the common basis of moral and art. we can also feel the personal moral emotion in the experience of the aesthetic emotion. Moral emotion in the art of aesthetic empathy experience exerts a subtle influence on the personal morality, and art which shapes individual morality and social fashion culture in its subtle way plays an important role. Han dynasty aesthetic theory, however, also reflected the han people in the narrow understanding of the moral side understanding unclear as well as the nature of art, art used to become completely subservient to the feudal rulers in these theories. The action from the perspective of moral of art activities restricts the practice of distorted by reasonable and healthy development and self-perfection, and kill the vitality in the development of art. So the reflection and criticism on the aesthetic theory of han dynasty of art and moral relations can make the modern art critically inheriting the essence of Chinese traditional art theory, setting up an artist noble moral emotion and creating more great work of art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han dynasty, Aesthetic theory, art and moral
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