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Yue Ke Poetry

Posted on:2015-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330428466383Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
YueKe is anti gold star YueFei’s grandchild, son of YueLin. He is the southern songdynasty famous scholars, writers, there are a number of works spread all over the world, suchas recorded in the two song period of the stories in the historical data of essays Ting historyand recorded the song dynasty laws system, and research the sage of generation and evolutionof the class before writing the Tan since recorded.In addition, he also has biographical work:" Jin Tuo Cui Bian" and "serial", is to discern the done in the case of YueFei, the informativematerial closed, complemented deficiency. YueKe, therefore, a thorough research to the field,and has obtained certain achievements, his class writings relevant historical materials hasimportant reference value in history. YueKe, meanwhile, is a famous writer, wrote manypoems, but these poems are not under too much attention, submerged in his historicalachievements under the aura of, because of this, this article is to YueKe poetry as the researchobject, analyzing contents and artistic features of his poetry, as well as its position and valuein literary history. Full text altogether is divided into four parts, the main content is as follows:The first part: YueKe’s TangHu poem study. The TangHu poem "included YueKe madepalace word one hundred, this is the first palace word YueKe written by means of imaginationand remembrance. This part, first of all, on the background of the poetry and versioncirculating conditions were analyzed, and the second classifying palace word content analysis,study, and thus summarizes YueKe palace word on the basis of predecessors’ palace wordinheritance and innovation.The second part: YueKe’s YuChu poem study. YuChu poem set is YueKe in fall duringthe job, so this part of the poetry contains the exuberance of the author. Poetry content richvariety, self-justification poetry, landscape poems poems, chores of life, feelings poem,traveling changhe poetry of history. Through the analysis and study of these poems, we cansee the author of the selection of features, poetic style characteristics, and analysis of theliterary value and historical value of this poetry anthology.The third part: YueKe BaoZhenZhaiFaShuZan study. BaoZhenZhaiFaShuZan is aYueKe’s learn calligraphy works, but later of verse compliment but has the nature of poetry,and thus be incorporated into the research scope of YueKe’s poetry. The main content of this section has a great definition of good rheology, types and poetry; the poetic style and contentof the good words; The literary aesthetic thoughts of verse embodies good words; Theacademic value and influence.
Keywords/Search Tags:YueKe, Poetry, Palace Poems, Verse compliment, Artistic features
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