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Dance And Industrial Research On Buddhist Frescoes In Kucha

Posted on:2015-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425994439Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cultural heritage left by the ancients to be the first to protect a valuable asset-based,but the rational development and utilization of effective protection can not be separated,in the process of how to sort out the relationship between cultural heritage protection,inheritance and development, how to achieve cultural heritage correct, rationaldevelopment and utilization, how to make cultural resources into cultural products, in themoment to improve the cultural soft power, has great research value and significance ofthe strategic objectives under the background of cultural power. Cultural heritage of eachcountry is not only an important component of the national cultural identity and culturalsovereignty is also decisive basis. Value of property is its traditional cultural resourcesinherent inherent characteristics, on the basis of performance in the specific scientificvalue, aesthetic value, the value of ideological inspiration, industrial and economicvalue.In this paper, the main theory of the culture industry as a starting point combing(The first chapter4) the particularity of Chinese culture, explore the traditional culturalresources and mining industry value real problems generated in the process ofindustrialization discussion (Chapter2) to dig through Aksu Kucha Grottoes murals ofancient images of ancient music and dance cultural resources, for example,(Chapter3)to explore how to integrate demand and industrial development in the industrializationprocess of facing real problems which need to practice Reflection methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:dance Kucha, Kizil Mural, cultural resources, industrial research
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