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Thought Of Forest Loss

Posted on:2014-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425953243Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since ancient times,China has been through two large-scale foreign culture influences:the spread of China Buddhism and the impact of modern western culture. Chinese scholars in modern times experienced an era of dramatic change.With the gradual deepening of understanding on the relation between Chinese and western,there are different research trends among the scholars.Some intellectuals have a greater interest in the west truth,which leads to the outbreak of the New Culture Movement.The others recognized that the value of foreign ideas,but they deeply attached to traditional culture.These intellectuals stick to their own cultural tradition,and tried to modernizing the tradition.They embodied the social responsibility, independent will and moral autonomy beyond the trend of the times.They are not dominated by the views of the majority and defying authority.Lin Sun is such a intellectuals.He was born and raised in Wen Zhou area and inherited the statecraft thought of the Yongjia school.Lin Sun is wealthy in knowledge.He is an eccentric and upright intellectual.In his twenties,he was appointed as the professor of Peking University for his vast knowledge.He used to run newspaper and magazine and published a series of articles on politics in the newspapers.He elucidated his opinion in the academic field.His writings involving academic, politic, society, education and other aspects.From his remarks,we can realize his ideology purport and understand the modern characteristics of the fierce change times in china.In the academic field,Lin Sun took the viewpoint of unity of opposites to run through its philosophical thinking.It is also the thought pointer throughout academic, politic and society issues.Lin Sun put the Yongjia school as a moral and interest equally important ideas.He analyzed the Yongjia school in the Chinese traditional framework.In the social and political aspects,Lin Sun’s thought is based on Chinese tradition, and put people-oriented as the destination.His research areas involves the formulation of the law,the development of agriculture and moral Cultivation.Lin Sun put the educational autonomous right as the aim of Education.He put the explanation of moral as the purpose of newspapers. There had been intense conflict among Lin Sun and Hu Shi because they had different scholarship orientation, political attitudes and personality.Lin Sun is not a fashionable academic,but based on the community in a Confucian scholar and save quintessence.Therefore people do not know his thought.In fact, a core problem throughout his thoughts was the modern transformation of Chinese tradition.On the great view down,that is the modernization of China.Chinese modernization has been agreed by scholars.The key is to find a path to modernization.He corrected the impact and destruction of cultural radicalism,depicted the ideal construct of the society which was impacted and destructed.Lin Sun through various means to realize these ideals.In the modern China, the shock Confucianism experienced is unimaginable.Until today,Chinese traditional culture return to public view.Chinese traditional culture rises abruptly afresh, must to get rid of a "tool" of value orientation.Public morality is not to rely on preaching. For the construction of spiritual civilization, it is the fundamental to turn Chinese fine tradition to daily habit.Lin Sun made a choice in the cultural crisis,carrying out inheriting academic historical mission.We might paraphrase Lin Sun:a man who is sticking to traditional culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Sun, Scholars of integrity, traditional culture, humanism
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