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Clothing Material Elements Embodied In The Oil Painting

Posted on:2014-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
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When Matisse is no longer allowed him to paint the face of weak body, he began a new artistic creation-paper-cut. These works of Matisse works representative masterpiece. Andy Warhol’s works are completed using screen printing technology.Therefore, the art has never been boundaries, as long as she was able to express, you can use different materials to pursue his effect.I study at the undergraduate stage costume design professional, for apparel material has a more profound understanding of, in fact, not only is the oil painting, art themes are the author’s emotional expression.In the hands of the painter brushes and paint their expression tools in the hands of fashion designers, color and texture of different clothing materials such as painting tools as display of emotion.In the four years of study, choice of materials, colors ability and with the ability to have a more comprehensive study and training, these experiences can be used in the creation of the work. So, in the performance of materials and techniques, I chose a combination of the means of production of clothing materials and traditional painting materials.Learning career, learning has two different forms of artistic expression, so the color and model and will have a richer source, in learning by master painter and design masterpieces study, accumulation a lot of his own knowledge, such as color, I prefer strong contrasting color combinations, such preferences not only monomer clothing, more manifestation of this oil painting.In today’s more open for the pursuit of art and freedom of the era, not just expressed by the color of the work of individuals, more is through the use of materials to express the author’s feelings. Strong color contrast, twisting up the main, to express through these stage I restlessness, confusion struggling up emotions.
Keywords/Search Tags:clothing material shape color
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