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"Mao Annotations Digest" Name Was Explanations Research

Posted on:2014-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425455943Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Book of Songs is seen as an Encyclopedia of Ming Wu since the time of Confucius. Scholars in the past dynasties all treated gloss of Ming Wu as the key to explain The Book of Songs and its primary intention. In the Qing Dynasty, Down-to-earth learning thrived. Confucian scholars at that time valued the textual research to Ming Wu, while neglected philosophical connotations:they attached importance to the Han School of classical philology, written explanations, gloss, and were master of emendation and textual criticism. All of the above characteristics lead to the remarkable achievements in the research of Ming Wu in Qing Dynasty. Ma Ruichen’s Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi has made outstanding achievements in explaining Ming Wu. Most of the current studies to Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi focus on the exegesis to the common words, and the current research from the perspective of Ming Wu is not enough. In this thesis, the author mainly investigates how Ma Ruichen did the study of the system of objects’category, the name origin of objects, variant names, the relationship between name and reality, and the origin of Ming Wu, when he did textual research to Ming Wu. The author also analyzes entries of the annotation of Ming Wu, explains Ma Ruichen’s theory of semantic field and his understanding of the corresponding relationship between name and content of entity noun, extracts Ma Ruichen’s approaches to explain Ming Wu, and concludes Ma Ruichen’s contribution in Ming Wu explanation.This thesis consists of the following parts.Introduction:Introduce the life of Ma Ruichen, the process of finishing Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi, the book’s contents and its stylistic rules and layout, general situation of Ming Wu explanation in this book. Based on the above, the author would point out this thesis’s research value and theories and approaches applied in it.Chapter1is "Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi’s research towards name and content of entity noun,." This thesis explains the naming reasons Ma Ruichen revealed and the names’ origins and changes. Analyze the terms "Yi Ming Er Shi Tong,""Tong Ming Er Yi Wu" created by Ma Ruichen, discuss Ma Ruichen’s explanation of the relationship between Ming Wu and culture, and analyze "Jie Wu De Ming,""Ming Shi Qi He", the dialectical relationship between name and content of entity noun,.Chapter2is "Ming Wu exegesis methods used in Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi." This thesis concludes Ma Ruichen’s exegesis methods:"Sheng Jin Tong Yong,""Ju Fa Xiang Lei" explores Ming according to the word, inquire into the general names through dialects and vulgarisms,"Dui Wen""San Wen."Chapter3is "The theory of semantic field of the Ming Wu in Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi." This thesis analyzes and counts entries of Ming Wu involved in Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi, and divides them into13subfields; sorts out the theory of semantic field reflected in the explanation and analyzes the causes of its formation.Chapter4is "The contribution of Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi in explanation of Ming Wu." Ma Ruichen used epigraphy to help prove his conclusion and theory, quoted and cited extensively by way of corroboration, was not stick to schools in research. Also, Ma Ruichen did not blindly follow predecessors’ points of view, refuted some of previous views and proposed his own opinion, and gained remarkable achievement in clarifying concepts like origin of Ming and origin of Wu.Conclusion:wrap up and make conclusion to this thesis’s research and point out the shortage in Ma Ruichen’s exegesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mao Shi Zhuan Jian Tong Shi, Ming Wu, research of name and content ofentity noun, exegesis methods, semantic field of Ming Wu, contribution
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