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Research Shou Grotesque Beautiful Art Form

Posted on:2014-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330422459272Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chen Hongshou is in the Chinese painting history, a personal style painter, quitedifferent from the ancient masters. The descriptive inherited from the Tang and SongDynasties, fusion of yuan and Ming, a grotesque style of unique aesthetic stylebecome an independent school, at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty as orthodoxliterati painting theorist as wild evil, enlighten the painting technology and aestheticthought by many artists in contemporary and future generations, life in the past hasnot broken after students were recorded, description, research.He is to have asignificant impact on future generations to the contemporary Chinese figure painterpainter, his in time, his personal experience, have a rigorous attitude, so his paintingcan be said to be weird but it is also very disciplined, so that his painting not onlyinherits but not adhere to tradition, a detailed study, this paper painting style of ChenHongshou, and with his identity life characteristics, analyzes the cause and processthis kind of style, artistic beauty of Chen Hongshou philosophy angle with thegrotesque style, through his adherents of a former Dynasty, combined with his figurepainting wind variation characteristics, analyzes Chen Hongshou’s thought of paintingacademic value, this paper focuses on the problem of multiple perspectives, researchmethods flexibly, and strive to achieve combination of history, from the history ofeach other, pay attention to theory and practice of painting. at the beginning of theQing Dynasty as orthodox literati painting theorist as wild evil, enlighten the paintingtechnology and aesthetic thought by many artists in contemporary and futuregenerations, life in the past has not broken after students were recorded, description,research.He is to have a significant impact on future generations to the contemporaryChinese figure painter painter, his in time, his personal experience, have a rigorousattitude, so his painting can be said to be weird but it is also very disciplined, so thathis painting not only inherits but not adhere to tradition, a detailed study, this paperpainting style of Chen Hongshou, and with his identity life characteristics,have arigorous attitude, so his painting can be said to be weird but it is also very disciplined,so that his painting not only inherits but not adhere to tradition, a detailed study, this paper painting style of Chen Hongshou, and with his identity life characteristics,analyzes the cause and process this kind of style,Also, some appropriate reference cited previous research results in the course ofthe study, to prove my point of view, in order to achieve the purpose of.
Keywords/Search Tags:chenhongshou, style of painting, aesthetic, thought
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