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Research Miao 'speech Stylistic Features

Posted on:2014-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330422452595Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is based on the“Miao People’s Reasoning Verse”by Wu Dejie and Wu Dekun,using the method of literature research, analysis, summarized other research methods,analysis of the stylistic characteristics of Miao People’s “Reasoning Verse” discussion.The “Reasoning Verse” is a Miao special discourse text and Miao people to solve thecontradiction between the regulatory text. The “Reasoning Verse” is different from thegeneral regulations of the text, in the form of language has unique characteristics. I explorefour aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric the Miao "truth speech"reflects the features. The voice mainly in rhyming charge tune charge tune is the Hmongunique voice characteristics. In the vocabulary, extensive use of the spoken word, it ispopular and straightforward; using the local word, and other righteous name word to showlocal ethnic characteristics. With grammar, sentence neat and scattered, Wu Yan sentence, itis short and concise easy to reasoning; also synonymous sentence overlapping echoesstrengthen reasoning. The “Reasoning Verse” the use of personification, metaphor, theparallelism of speech means, even with the image of the way to get on the rhetoricalreasoning effects.The “Reasoning Verse” Stylistic Features of the argument should also create a comparativeanalysis with the text The “Reasoning Verse” and Guge compared the two stylisticcharacteristics in common, but, after all, is that theytwo different oral literature, so thedifference is very obvious. Ancient Songs of the emphasis on every word charge tune The“Reasoning Verse” less stringent requirements. Ancient Songs of the question and answerduet style narrative, lively, interactive; The “Reasoning Verse” narrative style, similar to thestory-telling. In addition to the comparison with the nation’s ancient songs, I alsoreasonable speech "Dong", the word "Yao" Totally words "compared to identify similaritiesand differences on the body language between them.Compared to the common regulatory body stylistic features of The “Reasoning Verse”shown by the stylistic characteristics are more inclined to rhyme rap genre, explore thecause of this phenomenon occurred mainly due to Miao own text, and master the The“Reasoning Verse” old, facing the audience is relatively common, The “Reasoning Verse”in the use of oral expression can only use easy to understand, familiar words. Since oralexpression is the only way, and the day-to-day spoken and often by the subtle influence ofthe language and culture of the nation, reasonable speech "in many stylistic feature is also areflection of the language and culture of the Miao. Precisely because it once again confirmsthe view of stylistic variant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Miao People’s “Reasoning Verse”, regulatory text, rap genre functionalvariant, characteristics
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