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Chinese Korean And The Former Soviet Koreans 1950, More Poetry Conscious 1960s

Posted on:2014-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330401958259Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
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Historically, a large number of Koreans were forced to leave their homeland to live in exile around the world in the first half of the20th century. After leaving the Korean Peninsula, the Korean people scattered around the world developed a new form of culture with Korean nationality characteristics, Diaspora culture. Two kinds of culture share the same origin so that they enjoy many similarities. However, they also show differences to some extent due to the political, economic, and cultural environment of the country of residence.After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in1992and between Soviet Union and South Korea in1990, the literature of Chinese Korean and Russian Korean in Central Asia haven’t got great attention from scholars until the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Soviet Union in1992and China and South Korea in1992. The study on Chinese Korean literature has got fruitful achievements, while little work has been conducted on Russian Korean literature in the former Soviet Union. Furthermore, no comparative study has been carried out to exploit similarities and differences between Chinese and Russian Korean literature so that it remains to be researched.As early as the mid-19th century, the Korean people who moved to the northeast of China and the fonner Soviet Union by crossing the Yalu River and Tumen River set up schools, published newspapers and literary works in the localities. In the initial stage of ethnic Korean literature development, the literary activities of An Jishou, Jin Changjie, Jiang Jing’ai, Xuan Qingjun, Li Hecheng, Song Tieli, and Yin Haiying played a fundamental role to the development of ethnic Korean literature. After the founding of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in1952, Chinese Koreans have got a platform for the development of national culture. The establishment of Chinese Writers’Association of Yanbian Branch in1956was a milestone in the history for the development of Chinese Korean literature. The publication of Chinese Korean literary journals such as "Yanbian Literature","Daolaji","The Changbai Mountain" and "The Songhua River" played a great pushing role for Chinese Koreans to carry out various literary activities. Through protracted and unremitting efforts of Chinese Korean literary workers, Chinese Korean literature has got gratifying achievements over the past century. Russian Korean literature has a history of almost80years to publish literary works through "literary columns" on Korean language newspaper "The Pioneer" since its first issue in1923. The Korean language newspaper "The Pioneer", renamed as "The Great banner of Lenin", used to be a cornerstone of Russian Korean literature.Lots of ethnic groups’national identities were obliterated by carrying out a high-handed ethnic policy after Stalin going on the stage. As early as1937, Russian Koreans in the former Soviet Union were forced to leave far-east area and moved to central Asia. However, their existence hadn’t been revealed until the time of Gorbachev when opening-up policy was implemented. Even under the policy to obliterate the Korean nation and art, Korean people still kept on their literary writing. Poet Zhao Mingxi, who played fundamental role to the development of Russian Korean literature, made indelible contributions. The followers were Zhao Jitian, Yan Chenglong, Han Zhen and so forth who inherited and developed ethnic Korean literature in Central Asia.The Chinese and Russian Korean literature at the initial stage paved the way for literature development by literary works from many progressive writers. However, due to the series of political movements such as Anti-rightist Struggle and Cultural Revolution in China and policy to obliterate Russian Koreans and force them to leave far-east area and move into central to endure a discriminatory treatment in the former Soviet Union in1937, Chinese and Russian Korean literature both undergone the dark period of literary development. Though Chinese and Russian Korean literature confronted unprecedented difficulties with the development of market economy, both of them entered into the active development stage in the new historical period, especially entering into21century. Comparing to those who could write literary works in their native language Korean in Chinese Korean literature, literary works written in Korean became fewer so that its future couldn’t be promised.In this study, Chinese and Russian Korean literature in the former Soviet Union were compared mainly focusing on literary works of poems in1950s and1960s in order to probe into objectively the similarities and differences of Korean nations, Chinese Korean and Russian Korean in the former Soviet Union, who have originated from the same nation of Korean Peninsula during the process of integrating with other nations in China and the former Soviet Union, incorporating with the historical background by taking the inertia of history and heritage into consideration.A comparative study can be conducted in the following aspects during the1950s and1960s. Firstly, China borders upon the former Soviet Union on the northeast, and adjoin the Korean Peninsula on the southeast. Not only Chinese Koreans but also Russian Koreans aren’t originated from the place where they lived, that is they aren’t indigenous nationalities in China or the former Soviet Union. They were all forced to leave the Korean Peninsula and migrated to China or the former Soviet Union because of the invasion of Japanese imperialism.Secondly, China and the former Soviet Union shared the same social system of socialism in the1950s and1960s. At that time, China used to learn from the former Soviet Union and the two countries showed similar development patterns in policy and economic during the process of socialist construction.Thirdly, China and the former Soviet Union preserved the cultural homogeneity so that the two cultures were striking similar to each other in the initial stage of socialist construction. As early as1950s, China’s literary thoughts and policies shared the same characteristics with those in the former Soviet Union even had the trend to follow literary thoughts and policies of the former Soviet Union. At that time literature in two counties were affected by leftist movements. As a result, literary works in two counties were much similar in terms of theme, creative techniques, and art form.Fourthly, Poetry of Chinese Korean and Russian Korean both grew in the repressive environment. The literary development of Chinese Korean and Russian Korean in the former Soviet Union undergone great changes because of the political events burst out in the1950s and1960s. However, literary development in China and the former Soviet Union experienced a short expansion time. That period in China was the period of "letting a hundred of flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought content", while the period in the former Soviet Union was the period of "thawing time", also called the sunshine period.This study is composed of the following four parts.Chapter1is introduction, in which the purpose and significance of the study, research content, methods, and research status were presented.Chapter2discussed the historical background of the time in the1950s and1960s and overview on literature of Chinese Koreans and Russian Koreans in the former Soviet Union. The immigration history of Chinese Koreans and Russian Koreans in the former Soviet Union shared similarities due to its historical origin and differences because of different political factors of the country of residence. The overviews on literature of Chinese Koreans and Russian Koreans in the former Soviet Union also showed their own characteristics due to the immigration history and political, economic, and cultural factors of different country of residence.Chapter3,4is the main body of this study mainly carrying out a comparative study on the similarities and differences between Chinese Korean poetry and Russian Korean poetry in the former Soviet Union. This Chapter is divided into two sections, the establishment of national character and perseverance in ethnicity. The first section is subdivided into the hymn on the reality of socialism, positive attitudes to reality lives, and praise to Soviets. Literature in the former Soviet Union had distinct ideology and was considered as a part of proletarian revolution assets. The creative technique of socialist realism was treated as the basic method of literary creation and criticism in the former Soviet Union. Simultaneously, the authenticity of art description and historical specificity was combined with educating the working people’s thoughts with the spirit of socialism. Influenced by the creative technique of socialist realism in literature, China considered socialist realism as the highest criteria in producing literary works in1953. Thus, the theme of Chinese Koreans’ literature mainly focused on the hymn on socialism, positive attitudes to reality lives, and praise to Soviets. Section two is about the perseverance in ethnicity, including analysis of homeland sense of kinship, poetry and painting with national consciousness, and hometown consciousness. Though the literatures development in China and the former Soviet Union were affected by factors of different country of residence, they shared the same origin, the Korean Peninsula. Thus, their ethnicity was permeated in the literary works. However, the ethnicity of Chinese Koreans and Russian Koreans in the former Soviet Union were slightly different due to different life styles in the two counties.Chapter5is the conclusion of this study focusing on summarizing the major findings, about the similarities and differences on the consciousness of poetry themes between Chinese Korean and Russian Korean in the former Soviet Union.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Korean, Russian Korean in the former Soviet Union, poetry, national character, ethnicity
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