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Interactive - The Inevitable Trend Of Artistic Development

Posted on:2014-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D CengFull Text:PDF
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With the development of the arts, tend to interact with the art form is increasinglycoming into sight."Interactive" in this way gradually penetrate into the various fieldsin the the in the of people’s lives, the attitudes and behavior of the impact on people’s.In this paper, the study of the interaction concept as a starting point, from the simpletransmission of information in the traditional arts, to interact with the bud appear tointeractive art, to take advantage of today’s multi-media creation tends to interactiveart form, to explore the interactive generation the process of development, as well asinteractive works of art and the audience the relationship between changes in thedevelopment process in a sense is a kind of "creators" and "audience" reciprocitybetween. In the this on the basis of, explores the the innovative thinking of the theartist’s. Depends on the creativity, innovation and the core of the creative thinking. Ofgreat significance to the study of the artist’s innovative thinking. And the interactionof science and technology with the art of creative thinking thinking. The interaction ofscience and technology with the art of creative thinking there is a lack of progress inthe promotion of the arts. The technical foundation and the upper interaction of art tocreate a new art form. Machinery and technology while facilitating the arts, but alsotriggered "We master the technology, or technology control us?" Thinking. Too manytechnical applications may cause the audience’s aesthetic fatigue "the artcounterproductive, artistic innovation in the use of technology, we should think andgrasp the degree of good technical applications. Tends to interactive art form is alsoself-development process is also ongoing self-improvement.Psychological research is a way of thinking to upgrade. The audience to participatein interactive psychological study contribute to the artist fundamentally grasp thepsychological thinking of the audience, looking to the viewer’s psychological basis.This article focus on the generation of interactive psychological. On the one hand thecreative process of the artist’s own psychological needs mainly reflected the emotionalneeds of creators and psychological balance the desire for freedom of the spirit,aesthetic sense of responsibility, creators need to grasp the psychological interactionof the audience, five emotional identity needs of several levels. On the other hand theaudience to participate in interactive psychological reflected in the cognitive needs ofthe audience, audience expectations of the audience’s attention, and strengthening.Idea generation interactive art opened up new space for development. Today, the"interaction" to lead the new wave of contemporary art, interactive art tends tobecome an indisputable fact.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interaction, Interactive concept, Science and technology, Innovative thinking, Interactive psychological
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