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"Eight Lotus" Cultural Industry Development Of Folk Art

Posted on:2014-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P CaiFull Text:PDF
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As a unique cultural patterns and cultural skills, Folk culture is not only the carrier and cohesion of the national spiritual culture, but also valuable cultural resources. Folk crafts are the carrier of folk culture, and its protection and development have a great contribution to the local socio-economy, culture, and people’s livelihood.Today, the country’s strength is manifested through cultural competitiveness, and cultural industry is becoming an important industry for the promotion of social and economic development and the pillar industry in many countries and regions as well. As an important part of Chinese cultural industry, Chinese folk culture industry is still in its infancy, but it became the focus of attention by its characteristics resources and huge potential development.Huangzhong County of Qinghai Province has rich cultural resources, distinctive features, fruitful heritage, and inherent advantages and potential development in building cultural industry. In this research, by using the theory of cultural industries, investigating the field spot of the eight lotus cultural industry in Huangzhong County, and studying the basis of the development of local cultural industries, related businesses and practitioners, the author explores the operational problems in folk culture industrialization, summarizes the eight Lotus operational experience, successes and flaws, and support some practical thoughts and some possible ways for the Folk Crafts in the process of cultural industry development.The paper is divided into five parts:Chapter I is the introduction section, which describes the origin of research, the related research investigation site, and research methods.Chapter II elaborates the history, the existence status and cultural characteristics of Folk Crafts in Huangzhong County.Chapter III introduces the development process, current status, and influence on local community of eight-lotus folk cultural industry.Chapter4analyzes the operational experience, successes and flaw of the eight Lotus folk arts and cultural industry. On this basis, this part makes some suggestions on the improvement of eight-lotus folk art cultural industry.Conclusion part summarizes the main contents of the whole paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural industry, folk culture, folk crafts, eight-Lotus
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