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Anthropological Research Witchcraft Social Function

Posted on:2014-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N BaiFull Text:PDF
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Jingmai mountain Dai nationality are Living in Huimin, Lancang Lahu Autonomous County,Pu’er City,Yunnan Province.They belong to the Dai main speaker lineage.In the spirit of the space of the local villagers, contains two sets of belief systems,Theravada Buddhism and primitive religion. Two sets of belief systems derived from the primitive religion of witchcraft activities in the entry of Theravada Buddhism and the changing times, not only did not quit the stage of history, but continued to exist, and demonstrate this characteristics:First, coexist in Theravada Buddhism and primitive religion. The shaman staff prior to the introduction of Buddhism in Theravada for weddings and funerals, divination fortune-teller security chapter, in charge of agricultural production activities and Walled heart of worship to call the king, responsible for managing and worship dragon mountain to dry, Buddhism enter into a the security chapter as a guide the management of a system of secular society,"On Chapter management system. It is noteworthy that this management system security chapters climb to test the role is twofold, a shaman, Buddhist managers. Zhao Wang and to dry their duties did not change. This is witchcraft complied with, attached to the primitive religion and Southern pass Theravada Buddhism, and debug their own, but not completely compromise the survival of the road way adaptive chosen. Witchcraft mosaic rooted in the social culture of Jingmai Dai and internalize its part of the culture of the community, in the social and cultural aspects of agricultural production and living space of spiritual beliefs, rituals of life, medical treatment has closely linked, and play a rite of passage the irreplaceable emotional catharsis and comfort, social educational and social integration of psychosocial functioning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dai nationality, Witchcraft, Function, Change
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