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Discussion Oil Paintings Incidental Factors

Posted on:2014-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398499406Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of the development of modern art,the early Dadaismcaught up a kind of occasionally creative way to resist the limitations of traditionalpainting, it had a further development to the period when the surrealism began toexpress the freedom of spirit by means of grotesque. The later abstractexpressionism emphasized more on the self-expression of emotion in the process ofcreation. The languages and forms of the contemporary arts media are diverse,which result in the different ways on rendering of the vision, image and language,while the expressiveness, practice and research of the incidental factors in theimages becomes one of the new fields in the development of contemporary art. Thisthesis elaborates the significance of the incidental factors in the artistic creation byexplaining the concept and representing the phenomenon in the field ofcontemporary art of the incidental factors. At the same time I give a further analysison the existing the visual principle, the value and the aesthetic quality of theincidental factors in painting. Then I give a deeper analysis and study on variousincidental factors in the contemporary oil painting works. I also give a further analysisand discussion on how to comment, select and use the incidental factors combiningmy creation in order to make it helpful in creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Painting, Incidental, factors, Significance, Use
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