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Gabriel Muccino Film Studies

Posted on:2014-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398499074Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Italian cinema is an important branch of the World Cinema Studies. Italian neorealistmovie began at1945with Roberto Rossellini’s movie “Rome, Open City”(Roma, cittàaperta), and representative work was Vittorio De Sica’s “Bicycle Thieves”(Ladri dibiciclette)(1948),to the golden age of Italian movie, the famous director Federico Fellini,Michelangelo Antonioni and so on, they played a huge role in the promotion in order topromote the development of world cinema.In the21stcentury, the Italian new generation of directors who on the basis of thenew realism inherited predecessors director will also pay more attention to the personalfeelings and the daily life of the Italian film to the world. Gabriele Muccino is the directorwho concerned more about personal feelings and life cognition among other directors inthe same time. For the purpose of this thesis, by analyzing and researching GabrieleMuccino and his movie work, we have come to the course and direction of his movie.And in his movies, whether he made movie in Italian or America, his movie has his ownstyle. In addition, his movie can also be regarded as a special case or a glimpse of the newItalian movie. In this paper, the author uses comparative study as research method, withthe course of development of Italian movie as background, and4movies produced inItaly and3movies produces in America as material, reveals Muccino movie genuineconcern for the family Italian film neorealist tradition inheritance, and would like to paytribute to the place of their film masters. From these two aspects of the audition language,narrative Features Muccino film and television style, a more detailed analysis, whichsummed up the characteristics of individuals presented Muccino as a film director in hisfilm. In addition, we are also with the same period of Italian director group comparisonanalysis to explore the development of the Italian film direction.With analysis of Gabriele Muccino’s movie, the works of the new generation moviedirector of Italy, we concluded that: First, families relationships in Muccuno’s movies isreal, he filmed movies about Italian and American families.It reflected the relationshipsbetween people, and put his own experience in his all movies. Secondly, in his all movies,the pursuit of fluent language of the camera, the quality of music, very stylized movieaudition language. His family in his movie is closed to Italian movie master Vittorio DeSica. Finally, Muccino with the United States and co-operation so that the direction of hiscreative artistry of both commercial trends. The above argument in the body of this paperhas a more detailed argument and statements. I hope this paper will acr as a driver to allow more in the industry and the generalaudience have a more in-depth understanding of Gabriele Muccino and his works, andalso attracts the attention and consideration to the Italian movie art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gabriele Muccino, comparative analysis, audio-visual language, narrative style
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