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Good Luck Heart Of The Source

Posted on:2014-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J LuFull Text:PDF
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The thesis holds Zaohuaxinyuan as Central Point,investigates how Northern Song four great landscape artists show their masterpieces with a true portrayal of nature and how they deliver their feelings.the discussed painters contain Li Cheng,Fan Kuan,Guo Xi and the Mi family---Mi Fu and his son Mi Youren.It’s common knowledge that Northern Song had a stable political situation at its prime days,and fast-developped economy and positive cultural atmosphere,because Emperor Huizong set up imperial art academy to encourage the arts development.According to this efforts,landscape paintings had reached its peak.As Northern Song Dynasty neo-confucianism rised, painting skills went to maturity and showed a more varied tendency. Extension of knowledge lies in the investigation of things and Tuzhen theory,the shape as spirit theory all had an influence on painters at that time.The scholarbureaucrats did not want to appreciate nature beauty at the cost of leaving the court,instead they can look at the landscape paintings when they worked for their emperor at the same time.their artistic pursuit and the dissatisfication and suspection of bare imitation made painters became aware that nature are better teacher than ancient people. Due to these changes,depiction the true nature become the main stream in painting field.The space creation and the pursuit of Space-time unified forms their scenery-creation method.As the poetry lead to the leap in space and cut the space by pushing the space far away or higher,Guo Xi came up with "Three-Perspectives".These above four artists’expression and creation state are different from each other.For instance, Mi Fu"s dripping wet, dense and thick smoke or mist works makes people feel that they are standing in the rain,because Mi live in Southeast China for a long time.Li Cheng hardly use viewers feeling the painting in front are far away.Adversely. Fankuan"s scrawl raindrops wrinkle method lead to a oppressive sense as if the huge mountain stand erect in the way.The pursuit of space-time unified lead to their fixed and regular artistic Li Cheng like to paint several trees in cold weather,the spectators also have the bleak and chilly feelings when they stand in front of his paintings.By keeping an eye on four great artists in Song Dynasty how to imitate objectively,how to express their feelings,we draw a conclusion that landscape in Song Dynasty reflect the way to observe nature was homornized with human nature.From mentality to innate laws of things,they are both in waking state towards nature and themselves,finally the minds hold aloof from worldly things,namely, it contains everything in the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zaohuaxinyuan, wrinkle method, a leap in spaceSpace-time, unified, observation
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