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Professor Hung Home Staging Iron Experience On The Treatment Of Skidding

Posted on:2014-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2264330425474674Subject:Gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy, more and more women entered theworkplace.Under the mental tension, high stress, physiological disorders thatoverloads,repeated abortion that further damage the physiological function.Combined with the external environment pollution: such as computer radiation,living decoration pollution, mobile phones and all kinds of electromagneticradiation pollution in food additives, pesticides in fruits and vegetables, allthe internal external force, induce many diseases, especially female inoculationprocess problems, infertility, miscarriage, which showed a trend of rise.My teacher applying the idea of " preventive treatment of disease", phasedtreatment of slide, curative effect is well. My teacher say a lack of qi andblood not to solid is the key to the smooth tyres, liver and spleen kidneydeficiency is the fundamental. In the treatment he stress tune liver spleen andkidney. On the basis of the theory of "cure not ill", emphasize "prevention beforepregnancy, already pregnant Hyman. Differentiation points in three times: notpregnant, pregnancy, already pregnant. Who has repeatedly abortion of the woman,until the next pregnancy, should be in the kidney and spleen and "shugandecoction", regulate the menstrual function method for after care three to sixmonths,"predicted its loss, kidney gas filling, temper, article of diseases,filled with qi and blood, again taken fertility, pregnancy and shadow can raise.Pregnancy after Ann births, with life of tire and four gentlemen tongasubtraction, kidney and spleen solid tire. At the same time strengthenpsychological counseling patients, alleviate their psychological pressure, tostrictly do the time rest, light diet.
Keywords/Search Tags:sliding tire, Experience, Treatment based on syndromedifferentiation
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