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Gaochun Gucheng Lake View Types

Posted on:2014-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N J XiaFull Text:PDF
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The Gaochun zone (February20,2013, the State Council approved a county to District),belonging to the provincial capital of Nanjing, the National Ecological Demonstration Area.Gucheng Lake Lakeside ancient Goseong named. Lake shape approximate a triangle,Cuanza South narrower. The Goseong Lake landscape is rich in resources, lake landscape,the mountains that surround Gucheng Lake landscape, pastoral landscape, streetscape eachis unique. Meanwhile, landscape type overlapping, complementary to the formation of thesolid Lake City landscape look.In this paper, Gucheng Lake landscape as the research object, Gucheng Lake landscape isdivided into a lake landscape mountains landscape, pastoral landscape and streetscape fourtypes of use of typology study approach to their research, hope waterfront landscapeplanning and design the inductive angle rise to a rational height. The article focuses on thecore issues of the Gucheng Lake landscape types and discuss research. Introduction partexplain the significance of the research background and research purposes; ChapterGoseong-Lake landscape type Gaochun classification Overview; second chapter is theanalysis of the the Goseong Lake landscape type elements and space; Chapter analysisrelationship of the generation mechanism of Gaochun Gucheng Lake landscape type andlandscape type; fourth chapter is the analysis of the strengths and limitations of the GaochunGucheng Lake landscape types. Chapter derivative of this article highlights on the theGoseong Lake landscape types and regeneration.Post second three chapters focus of the article, and landscape elements, spatial form, typecharacteristics summarized research to patients with regard to the common characteristics ofthe specific research and analysis to study the similarities and differences of each landscapetype. Study of Chapter III of the article is on the basis of the second chapter, in-depth analysisof the reasons for the formation of different landscape types, namely the generationmechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Gaochun solid Lake City, Landscape types, Generation mechanism, Landscape design
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