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The Research Of Relationship Between Government And The Media In Public Crisis Management

Posted on:2013-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R R LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425962049Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern public crisis than traditional public crisis demonstrated the new featuresand new changes,these features and changes to government public crisis managementability put forward higher request.The public crisis object is a wide influence of thepublic.The media dissemination of information is for the public. The service of thegovernment is also for the public. Government is the administrator of the pub lic crisis.Preventing the public crisis from endangering the public is also one of theresponsibilities of the government. Media is on the fence between the government andthe public crisis. The media can be thought of government services to jointly copewith the crisis, while the media may also increase the breaking of the crisis. Therefore,the government’s handling of the relationship with the media is essential in PublicCrisis Management.This article from the beginning of concepts of the Crisis, Public Crisis and PublicCrisis Management. Analyze that government has the duties of maintaining socialstability, crisis management, and correctly guide public opinion in the Public CrisisManagement. The media has the functions of passing crisis information and earlywarning of crisis, public opinion supervision and the coordination of social relations.Analysis of the government and the media commonly used mode, relationship status,existing problems and reasons in the management of public crisis by the new publicmanagement theory, social responsibility and agenda-setting theory. And summarizesthe three relational modes of government and the media in Public CrisisManagement. The necessity and feasibility of establishing positive interactionrelationship between the government and the media in the Public Crisis Managementbe discoursed. The same time, learn from the experience of the United States andUnited Kingdom governments to handle relations with the media in a public crisis.Finally, proposed countermeasures of establishing positive interaction relationshipbetween the government and the media in the Public Crisis Management. Thegovernment and the media together for the public crisis management services in thePositive interaction relationship.Expected to be theoretically rich in the relevantresearch of the relationship between the Public Crisis Management main body and to provide ideas for the optimization of Public Crisis Management in government andmedia relations in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Crisis Management, government and the media, relationship, positive interaction
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