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The Legal Comments On The Case Of The War Between The Electronic Mall

Posted on:2013-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
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This thesis is going to talk about the electronic ma ll war case was typ ical o frelates to network sales unfa ir competition cases. On August14,2012, Jingdong CEOLiu Qiangdong two micro-blog lifted the dealers co mpete for he ge mony fuse,inc lud ing Suning, Gome thereafter and ma ny other business executives in micro-blogresponded to Liu Q iangdong, a time of power industry the s moke, a new round ofbusiness war prelude. Alo ng with the fast, companies such as " chaos ", the domesticpower industry are evolving into battle. In2012September, the nationa l deve lopme ntand Reform Commiss io n recognized dealers price fra ud, need to be punis hed. Dealersare us ing the Internet for unfa ir competition beha vior is not conduc ive to the hea lthy,orderly development of network market.With the rapid developme nt of comp uter techno logy and network techno logy, theconcept of the network market has become increasingly popular. The market is boundto have competition in the network market, of course, is no exception, and theintens ity of co mpetitio n in this market is in no way inferior to the real world. Internetsales bring great conve nience to the people, as opposed to the more tra ditiona l salesmodel aspects, faster, operators use the lower cost of such sa les model, higher income,but at the same time its drawbacks also very obvio us. Some network operatorsdeliberate ly contrary to the princ ip le of good fa ith, to ignore the need for fa ircompetition and adopt some means of unfair competition, fa lse propaganda such asthe use of the network, the infringeme nt o f commerc ial secrets, co mmercia ldefa mation wrongdoing, these are great hindered the healthy and orderly developme ntof the market. Defects cause a lot of d ifficulties, and therefore improve theAnti-Unfa ir Co mpetitio n Law "in the real use of the le gal s ystem o f the existingnetwork of lega l regulation acts of unfa ir competition," Ad vertis ing Law ", as well asevidence of the lega l syste m see ms imperative, network sales lice nse syste m isnecessary to establis h and promote the filing syste m, establish the platform ofnetwork sales report as well as regulatory informatio n database, and the need toestablis h an effective network marketing ind ustry se lf-regulatory mecha nis m, the onlyway the lega l a nd practica l to regulate Internet sa les in order to ens ure the ir norma ldevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:network false publicity, predatory pricing, permission system, the filingsystem, industry self-regulation
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