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A Study On The Construction Of "Letter And Visit" System In The Early Period Of The New Nation

Posted on:2014-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425951999Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Letter and Visit” system,founded by PRC, is a kind of important policy withChinese characteristics, which provides people a good platform to express theirideas. Facing the complex international and domestic situations in the early periodof the New Nation, the Communist Party inherited and developed the mass line ofthe theory of Marxist through building the “Letter and Visit” system.Under the active guidance of MAO zedong and the Communist Party, the“Letter and Visit” system, founded at that time, went through three courses ofhistory: initial stage, preliminary improvement and the last formation of the system.The characteristic of “Letter and Visit” system’s working system and method washighlighted by the following factors: consistently focusing on consolidating the newregime, recovering, stabilizing and developing the national economy, andmaintaining the fundamental interests of the masses. The building of the system atthat time obtained three kinds of effects, firstly, the institutes of “Letter and Visit”system were constantly built; secondly, the talent team was gradually expanded andenriched; thirdly, the working methods were gradually groped and reformed.Establishing the “Letter and Visit” system in the early period of the new nationprovides some significances and enlightenments for further improving the work of“Letter and Visit” system in the new period.The thesis includes three parts. There are introduction, main body of the thesisand conclusion. The first part gives a brief introduction of the thesis, including thesignificance of the topic, literature review, definitions of some basic concepts andthe organizations of this thesis. The second part is made up of four parts: the firstsection mainly focuses on analyzing the historical process of “Letter and Visit”system; the second section puts emphasis on analyzing the three characteristics of“Letter and Visit” system; the third section is to analyze the three effects of “Letterand Visit” system; the fourth section tries to analyze the experience andenlightenment for further improving the work of “Letter and Visit” system in thenew period. The last part—Conclusion makes a brief summary of the whole thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early period of the new nation, Communist Party of China, Letter andVisit System of people, Construction
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