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Divisions Derived Assault On Criminal Penalties And Regulation

Posted on:2014-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401978299Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Criminal law for the juveniles has been given special protection, especially forthe young girls. However, as a statute, criminal law is a high degree of abstraction andgeneralization of various criminal phenomenon, provisions must be clear and concise.Division derived violations is male teachers for minor female students to sexualviolations, in primary and secondary schools. Through the existing case, the divisionderived assault occupy a certain proportion in reality. The first half of the divisionconcept derived infringement, features, causes serious social harm was elaborated indetail subsequently demonstrated that the existing criminal law, criminal divisionderived violations, and division-borne the violations were analyzed. The last divisionderived violations criminal penalties were discussed and made a division derivedviolations improve the criminal legislation. The text is divided into four chapters.The first chapter, the author first derived violations of the division has beenintroduced, defined on the basis of division derived infringement definition, anoverview of the division derived infringement phenomenon; discussed after divisionderived violations of several basic characteristics, causes and serious social harm.The second chapter, the Author of a brief analysis of the existing criminal lawthe definition and scope of Sexual Crimes, China and the divisions derived againstsexual crimes were discussed, and further pointed out that the processing divisionsderived violations should be noted that in the criminal justice issues. The third chapter, the author of the specific problems of our division derivedviolations analysis, including teacher-derived violations constitute elements ofidentification and classification of the division derived violations of two parts.The fourth chapter, the author analyzes the punishment of China’s criminal lawdivision derived violations of the right attitude, the current China’s criminal lawdivision derived violations and criminal legislation on how the division derivedviolations regulation some ideas.The existing criminal law about division derived violations have not been tooin-depth discussion. Previously, the problem is in the field of sociology, education andCriminology to research. Qualitative research methods, derived violations of thedivision conducted a comprehensive discussion. Although the views put forward bythe author is relatively simple, but still would like to point out that, in the practice ofcriminal justice, the division derived violations such as special sexual abuse, deservespecial protection of the criminal law, in order to achieve better protection of minorsthe purpose of the physical and mental health.
Keywords/Search Tags:divisions derived assault, criminal penalties, criminal regulation
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