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System Of Rural Public Culture Supply: Path And Mechanism Innovation

Posted on:2014-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401978275Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The supply of rural public culture is a public welfare cultural support providedby our party and the government for the majority of farmers, which is an importantmeasure responding to the economic globalization, improving peasant quality,comprehensively implementing the new rural construction. At present, the rural publicculture construction lags behind and there are many problems such as shortage ofinfrastructure, the imbalance between supply and demand and lack of talent. Thepaper focuses on the rural public culture supply, through analyzing the path thatchange of rural public culture supply system, to find out the path-dependent factorsand innovate in terms of supply mechanism. This paper argues that the rural publicculture construction needs to face the system obstacles, such as the supply betweenurban and rural areas "dual" system, supply outside the system. On the supplymechanism, that selection mechanism of the main body of rural public culture supply,decision-making mechanism, financing mechanism, the demand expressionmechanism and supervision mechanism, etc., is also facing many challenges. Thepaper presents views of mechanism innovation like a classification of supply,optimize financing, bottom-up demand expression, and product maintenance andguarantee.Paper is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, it is mainly to clarify the related concepts and theoretical basis of this study, including the concepts of the ruralpublic culture, mechanism supply and mechanism path, public goods theory, newpublic service theory. In the second chapter it is discussed system change of the ruralpublic culture supply, analyzed the supply characteristics of public cultural at thethree historical stages, in order to find supply constraints factors of path dependence.The third chapter mainly elaborates the practical difficulties and the causes of therural public culture supply. This paper summarizes the problems of rural publicculture supply, and from the system, cultural reasons of the management system andgovernment function three aspects to analyze the root causes of problems. The fourthchapter is mainly to analyze one by one the main body of rural public culture supplyselection mechanism, decision-making mechanism, the demand expressionmechanism, the problem of the financing mechanism and supervision mechanism, etc.The fifth chapter, it is to describe the rural public culture supply mechanisminnovation. This chapter puts forward the new ideas that embedded public sense andmodern public cultural concept, rural public culture supply mechanism innovation,and strengthen the supervision of supply process, tries to find a supply of rural publicculture innovation path.
Keywords/Search Tags:The rural area, Public culture Supply, The systempath, Innovation
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