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Based On Rousseau Republican Ideas On The Basis Of "General Will"

Posted on:2014-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401975567Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rousseau is a famous modern western bourgeois Enlightenment thinker, social contracttheory is the main content of Rousseau’s political philosophy.In Rousseau’s social contract theory, theory of Rousseau is the original hypothesis ofpeople in a state of nature, people in this state is a more ideal freedom, equality. But then, thisstate is produced is not conducive to the obstacles of human existence, people in order tochange this state, in free, on the basis of equality sign the social contract, organization, theestablishment of the people’s community, the community may also be referred to as asovereign state, etc..In this community, all people all are the community ’s owner, is the sovereign. Thesovereign sovereignty sharing community, which is composed of people sign the socialcontract decision. In a community, there are two main sources of legitimacy of thesovereignty of the owner, one is the " divine right of kings " theory, two is the contract theory,is the people through the signing of the social contract, people’s sovereignty granted to anindividual or a group, so that the ruler’s power legitimacy. East and West have put forward theidea of contract in ancient thinkers, but in between the East and the west, between thedifferent western thinkers, the contract ’s content is also different. The western Machiavelli,Grotius and Hobbes and so on, people signed a social contract with the king, the transfer ofsovereignty to the monarch, the safeguard of social order and the rights of the people.Rousseau’s social contract theory is the basis of people in equality, freedom on contractbetween, composed of people sharing community, sovereignty belongs to all of the signatories,this is the idea of popular sovereignty.People in the composition of the larger community, mostly as a multi-level community.Each community, including community under the community, has reflected the interests oftheir will, the composition of the community in all, it is diverse, numerous, it contains reflectthe overall interests of the community will, reflect the community benefits as a whole will bepublic, that the public will. It is mainly reflected the different time, the interests of the community, so it is the main trend to favoritism, in numerous, different Zhongyi, remove thepart of private part of the conflict, the remaining is bound to reflect the interests of the wholecommunity of all.In western society, contradiction exists " liberalism " and " Republican". The core offreedom is " individualism ", with its emphasis on individual freedom " first" philosophy andvalues, is the individual as far as possible from any social restrictions do they like to do, thisis a negative liberalism. Republicanism, emphasize the collective interests of values, askedpeople to the whole community of interests, positive action to achieve the collective interests,this is the important requirement of classical republicanism to national, national also only inthis value positive action, this is an important manifestation of civic virtue, is the only way toachieve the citizen good, this is the important requirement of classical republicanism tomembers of the community; Community regime no matter what specific regime, as long ascan reflect and realize the value of the regime is the Republic, otherwise, is tyranny; canreflect the value and can contribute to the realization of the value of the community of nationsis the Republic of china. It is an important part of classical republicanism.Rousseau’s "general will " is a manifestation of the overall interests of the community,the classical republicanism to collective interests as the value goal, then Rousseau’s " generalwill" deeply reflects the values of classical republicanism; Rousseau asked the communitymembers must obey the general will, if not to obey the general will, Rousseau asked peopleforced to obey, and this is the free condition, from here we can see that Rousseau’s freedom isa kind of republicanism advocated a positive view of freedom. In short, Rousseau’s "generalwill " concept to the deep represent classical republicanism, is an important manifestation ofRousseau’s political philosophy of classical republicanism.To ensure the classic Republicanism " general will ", put forward a series ofrequirements Rousseau. The sovereignty of the people, is also the community sovereigntycannot transfer, cannot be separated; the law is the expression of the will of the people, by thepeople to make laws, the sovereignty of the people is the main legislative power; Thegovernment is the realization of the will of the people--general tools--, government officialsonly people’s clerk, its power is from the people’s trust, people can recover the government and government officials to power; People must be free, only free citizens, to obey the generalwill, community members must be equal, because equality, free conditions; to communitymembers, each member must obey the community ’s "general will", also is the overallinterests of the community at heart, for the realization of such value, citizen must be positiveaction, actively involved in the relationship between the overall interests of the communityaffairs, so as to achieve the good citizen "". These are important contents of classicalrepublicanism.In short, Rousseau’s community "general will" is the main embodiment of Rousseau’sclassical republicanism, to understand Rousseau’s classical republicanism, must deeplyunderstand Rousseau’s " general will ".
Keywords/Search Tags:social contract theory, community, republicanism, public will, Public opinions
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