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Research On The English Religion Policy(1688-1714)

Posted on:2014-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401969235Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the Glorious revolution in1688, King William III and Queen Mary became the new rulers of England. It opened a new era of English history, for at this stage, politics, economy, ideology and culture being banded with mordern transition. The religious development also showed the characteristics of diversitiy, secularity and twisting. King William Ⅲ and Queen Anne have their own views on religious polocy. This also objectively promoted the development of religious pluralism.The paper can be divided into three major parts:the foreword, the text, and the epilogue. The foreword briefly introduces the reasons and the significance of the choice of this topic, the present situation of the academic research domestic and overseas and the research objectives and method. The paper is divided into three chapters:the first makes a concise portrayal of the religious development status of England before and after the Restored Monarchy. That is the historical setting of the religious policy from1688to1714, the second chapter focuses on how King William carried the tolerant religious policy. King William Ⅲcontinued the relatively tolerant religious policy. He tried to make dissenters put off dispute and gave Nonconformist rights of religious freedom, so as to achieve national unity. The third chapter analyzise Queen Anne’s religious policy. She tried to maitain Anligan Church’s interst and position in England, under the condition of not harming the national interst.The epilogue part is the conclusion of the characteristics and development trend of the religious policy from1688to1714, in order to further deepen the understanding of the religious issures of England.
Keywords/Search Tags:King William Ⅲ, Queen Anne, Tolerant religious policy, Anligan Church
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