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A Study Of Government Public Relations Of Accident Management

Posted on:2014-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401478384Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently, accident disaster led to the trust crisis in our government’s publicimage. The subject of crisis management is our government,so we must take bestmeasures to avoid the negative impact of accident crisis and set up the credibility ofgovernment. The improvement of credibility means that the government’s rulingability. And the credibility is the power to solve the accident disaster crisis.However,in the process of our government in crisis public relations work also has somedifficulties and problems. It need to further grasp skilled public relations skills andemergency handling ability. This is the reality of government public relations work indisaster management needs.In the rapid development of information society, media is the public’s mainsource of information. Crisis in the process of the accident, the government must dealwith good relations with the media and the public crisis rescue work must to be better.But as a result of improper crisis,public relations crisis brought about the socialimpact of public opinion. Because the public’s low capacity and panic psychology,This requires the government crisis public relations work must be improved, in orderto avoid public panic caused by the crisis the consequences of the gravity of thesituation. So, our government must to be attaching importance to the relationshipbetween media and the public and maintaining good government image, in order toset up own authority.Based on the theory of accident disaster governance is full combed, furtherabsorbs related research results at home and abroad, summarizes the present situationof our government disaster crisis public relations work, and analyzes the current governance crisis public relations crisis accident disaster in our country the problemsand reasons. Through the7.23train "event" in the our country government crisispublic relations, public opinion as a result of the improper further sums up theaccident disaster crisis management in the problems that should be paid attention toand deal with the accident disaster crisis pr improper concrete measures and methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accident Crisis, Crisis Management, Crisis Public Relations
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