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The Status And Role Of G20in Global Governance

Posted on:2014-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401462119Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays with the rapidly expanding integration of the world economy, theworld interdependence is deepening gradually, Domestic problems have more andmore profound impact on the world, in turn, it increasingly depends on internationalcooperation to solve the international problem successfully. The internationalcommunity, under a state of anarchy, must strengthen communication and cooperationbetween countries to solve international disputes. In this context, the globalgovernance theory will emerge in the future.With the sustained and rapid development of the BRICS emerging economies,Structural changes have taken place in the world economic landscape. There wereproblem of the original global economic governance mechanism which cannoteffectively deal with the problem in the operation of international economy, and cannotreflect the existing international economic pattern. The Asian financial crisis in1997isthe sign of this contradiction; the outbreak of the global economic crisis in2008furtherintensified the contradiction. In this context, the G20appears, and gradually became aglobal focus.The G20is developing countries represented by the BRICS for the first timestanding into the power center of the global economic governance, the emergence anddevelopment is a significant step forward in the process of democracy in globalgovernance. To analyze the G20research helps to explore further developmentdirection of democracy in global governance. So, this study has important theoreticalsignificance. For our country, the G20is important platform to accelerate the existinginternational system democratization and integrity in the further development. At thesame time, through a series of actions, China showed that actively promote thegradually reform of the existing international system is advisable, and shows that ourcountry is also actively maintain the steady development of existing internationalsystem. Making a wider cognition of China’s peaceful rise, will be provide betterexternal environment for China’s peaceful rise. Therefore, the further study on the G20has important practical significance for our country.This article will first of all give a brief analysis of the theory of global governance,and then analyzes the relationship between the G20and China. In the first chapter of this article, the author briefly discussed the origins and the mode of the theory ofglobal governance, then, analyzed the reasons of the emergence and development ofthe theory of global governance. The global financial crisis explored in the backgroundof word economy’s structure change, the quondam global governance mechanism cannot effectively cope with the crisis, countries all over the world need to explore a newpath of global governance, at this time, due to the better balance of the legitimacy andefficiency in many global governance platform, the G20has implement rapidlydevelopment. In the second part of the article, the author describes the majorinter-governmental international organizations, and to explore the relationship of theG20with major international organizations, thus emphasize the importance and thenecessity of research of the G20and the necessity of research. On this basis, the authoranalyzed the means and ways of G20to participate in global governance, andsummarized the contribution of the meetings of the G20in the field of globalgovernance. Finally the author prospects for the future development of the G20, thinkthat based on the good cash in the process of the financial crisis, the G20will continueto play the important role in global governance..and analyze the relative relationshipof the Group of20and China that has a very important role between the Group of20and China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global governance, G20, China
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