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Research On The Influence Of Teachers’ Language On Implicit Attitude To Academic Help-seeking Of Junior School Student

Posted on:2015-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428979888Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Academic help-seeking as a learning pattern of self-regulation is an adaptive learningstrategy, when students are in trouble, asking for help actively is an important feature ofself-control learners. Language is the most important communicating and thinking tool, it isthe bridge of human intercommunication. Teachers’ language as a special profession languageused when one is playing the role of teacher; it is a bridge link between teacher and student. Itis very important for students, and affects the development of students’ learning strategy.This study consists of three sub-experiments:The first experiment uses SC-IAT to examine the implicit attitude towards academichelp-seeking. The experiment examine the different of gender and grade of junior highschool students’ implicit attitude towards academic help-seeking from the demographicvariable angle, and examine the different implicit attitudes of students’ who have differentachievement performance.The second experiment is a further study on the basis of experiment1, Experiment2usesdifferent valences of teachers’ language to influence junior high school students’ implicitattitude towards academic help-seeking, The experiment uses a2(teachers’ language interferegroups: positive evaluation language group and negative evaluation language group)×2(participant groups: learning disability group and not learning disability group)×2(D:beforemeasurement and after measurement) multi-factor experimental design. While teachers’language interfere group and participant group are between-subject variable, D is thewithin-subject variable.The third experiment investigates the effect of different teachers’ positive language onimplicit attitude towards academic help-seeking. The experiment uses a2(teachers’ languageinterfere groups: positive evaluation language group and positive guide language group)×2(participant groups: learning disability group and not learning disability group)×2(D: beforemeasurement and after measurement) multi-factor experimental design. While teachers’language interfere group and participant group are between-subject variable, D is the within-subject variable.The experimental results showed that:In general, the implicit attitude of junior high school students is positive towardsacademic help-seeking.The implicit attitude of junior high school towards academic help-seeking is not differentamong grades, while it is different varying from achievement performance.(3)The implicit attitude of junior high school towards academic help-seeking is affectedby teachers’ language.In teachers’ evaluation language, teachers’ language interfere group has a significantmain effect, teachers’ language interfere group and participant group has a significantinteraction. For the learning disability group, the implicit effect of positive evaluationlanguage group is better than negative evaluation language group; while for not learningdisability group, the implicit effect of negative evaluation language group is better thanpositive evaluation language group. It shows that teachers’ positive evaluation language ismore efficient for learning disabled students.In teachers’ positive language, main effect of teachers’ language interfere group is notsignificant, teachers’ language interfere group and participant group has a significantinteraction. For the learning disability group, the implicit effect of positive evaluationlanguage group is better than positive guide language group, while for not learning disabilitygroup, the implicit effect of positive guide language group is better than positive evaluationlanguage group. It shows that teachers’ positive evaluation language is more efficient forlearning disabled students, while teachers’ positive guide language is more efficient for notlearning disabled students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Academic Help-seeking, Implicit Attitude, Teacher’ Language
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