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A Narrative Study Of Anne Prue’s Novels

Posted on:2015-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428979562Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In2006, an American writer Annie Prue came into the public’s eyesight with the movie Brokeback Mountain, and then aroused popular attention throughout the world. The film directed by famous director Ang Lee’s takes the same name of Anne Prue’s novel. With passionate discussion derived from the film, Annie Prue’s works were highly praised not only in the United States, but also were focused on and praised by many Chinese scholars when her works were imported into China.Anne Prue’is a professional writer in contemporary literature of America. In fact, before the coming of movie Brokenback Mountain, she had absorbed the attention of American readers, and was generally applauded by them. In1988, she published a collection of short stories named Soul Singer and Other. In1922, she was the first woman who won the Faulkner Prize for her novel Postcards. As the novel The Shipping News won the National Book Award in1993and the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in1994and famous director onto the screen. After that, her works also took away almost all the important literary award in the United States. Many scholars have to fall in love with her novel and exquisite brush strokes and vivid, bright, beautiful and straightforward style of writing. Her works does not describe tall handsome hero image, but capture the noise and glitz of the industrial society, all the characters and objects in space is almost on the verge of a modern society went out, in a decentralized cracks in gray. Anne Prue is very sensitive to capture the little group of living conditions, and with women’s unique angle of view, describes the contemporary American small potatoes’living status by the compression of time and space to choose escaped the people of the city, or have already rooted village under the interests of the pervasive erosion in the industrial society away from the hubbub and resolutely resist. These characters, especially new immigrants of the author’s collective, no matter how to survive in the struggle, finally has always been easily defeated by failure and death. These character’s actions in the huge social machine and the fate of strong under the control of cotton are always abnormal, weak anomalies.In contemporary American literary world, Prue was dubbed a new-writers because of her novel career starts late, she was born in1935, but it was not until in1993that she published the first stories postcard. But the new-writer was a late bloomer, sedimentary and accumulation of history let her super BaSu and ultimate care for her. After the first novel, her published the second novel The Ship which is also fruitful, respectively and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, the national book awards and the domestic more weighty awards. The movie Brokeback Mountain was well-known by directors and accepted by the world audiences. The success of Brokeback Mountain has become an important reason for studying of filmology and gay theme in the early study of Anne Prue.It also caused the eyesight narrow and limited in the early era. Fortunately, some scholars difficulty reversed the situation timely and Prue had made effort to objecte posting labels such as’Gay Writer’ on herself. Comment on his works Brokeback Mountain, her named for herself and thought that it was simple and crude to interpret his works gay position. It is relatively small in the research on such a’new-writer’. Study of Anne Prue’s is mainly focused on ecological criticism, history, geography, regional research, narrative research, film discussion and so on, and ecological criticism in the study of all the proportion is the largest from from the research status at home and abroad. The author thinks that it is related to the area selection of the novel. It can be clearly found that Prue’s focus on the ecological environment from the novel text and it’s appropriate and necessary to discuss Prue’ novel form the perspective of ecological criticism. Anee Prue’s novels of ecological criticism are mainly focused on The Shipping News and Sophisticated and lack of integrity and continuity because of respectively discussing from single novel text. The movie Brokeback Mountain is a pioneer in the domestic research on Anne Prue but is much lag than foreign. What is gratifying is that study in domestic of Prue has gradually extended to the ecological criticism, narrative research and broader space and this give us a rich possibility to interpret the writer. Even so, the study of Prue’s only staied on the fragmentation level. Few people can work to her on a macro grasp especially in the narrative block. Most research on Anne Prue’s novels could not contemplate global and only limited in few such as The Shipping News and Sophisticate and also failed to give author’s works a complete and accurate positioning of development. There are many research abroad but failed to further, it’s regretful, but become the initial motivation of this pater for writer.From the perspective of narrative study, Prue’s novels and short stories are different because of the significant differences between narrative language style and narrative voice. The novels narrative is always from the perspective of history, both narrative time and narrative voice presents a relatively stable pattern and the trace of the traditional narrative modes overlap is more obvious. Short fiction narrative skills are relatively diverse and using inverse narrative in narrative conditions, Syria, relate and so on. It’a intermittently narrative content and narrative levels are more abundant. Words and Describes in Prue’s novels language type are balance and distribution of narrative is pulled a short distance, story fragment in the space is fragmentation and narrow. There were other scholars study Prue’s novel from the perspective of narratology, but the research findings were limited and failed to develop a rigorous research spectrum system.With the development of narrative, narrative has formed a relatively complete system. Describing the development of narrative learning. Narrative gradually developt and perfecte since the French structuralism, but it’s a theory of literature and art research that mainly about the text interpretation paradigm. The French structuralism TzetanTodorov*Tordolphin is the earliest person who pushed the concept of narrative. He thought that narrative is huge potential discipline in development in the Syntax of Decameron, but he various theories of discipline need to be established. Before that, as the master’s of symbols, Buta, Claude*Raymond and Graymas have ever published academic monographs which is linked to narrative theories. Their efforts are doomed to lay a solid theoretical foundation for the development of narratology. Narrative in the1980s was translated to China, which began research upsurge in the90s, and gradually formed their own theory atmosphere. Some scholars are not content to just absorb the nutrition from the western theoretical resources, but compare the western theoretical resource with he Chinese classical narrative theories when absorbing the beneficial results of other people. So as to achieve mastery through a comprehensive, modern narrative system with Chinese characteristics is emerging. With the domestic current situation, the author tries to grasp Prue’s novels narrative mode and narrative theme, especially for us to focus on fewer perspectives of narrative voice, narrative level, in order to narrative has a relatively detailed criticism of case studies from the angle of narrative to make an accurate analysis and position for the’new’writer, Annie Prue. This article draw Anne Prue’several novels object, combined with quantitative analysis and inductive deductive method, from the perspective of narrative research, analysis the ’new’ writer’s works.This article is not only based on Day Knight and Tordolphin’s classic narratology theory framework to study the grammar system of Prue’s novels, but also to interprete the relationship between the theme significance and historical context from classical narrative theory recently. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part mainly analyzes Anne Prue’s novel structure and is divided into three chapters:narrative voice, narrative discourse and narrative grammar research. The first chapter of the narrative discourse research is divided into condition, duration, frequency, type of three small sections. The second chapter of narrative voice research is diveded into narrative and narrator two parts. The third chapter of narrative structure research includes story narrative pattern, narrative structure and the form of stories three parts. In part two, the main content is the research on narrative content of Anne Prue’s novel. The second part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter which include three sections of Newfoundland, Strip area, Wyoming is to introduce the image process of the construction of narrative theme. The second chapter is to introduce the way of transverse death narrative in Anne Prue’s novels, and respectively discusses intervention way of the death narrative and its meanings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anne Prue, novel, narrative
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