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New Exploration On Marx’s Theory Of "Totaler Menschen"

Posted on:2015-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428968845Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of human being has been the focus of various philosophicalschools in the long course of history. With the development of social history, humanbeings’ desire of their own development is becoming more and more intense.Meantime, philosophers constantly explore the positive meaning of “TotalerMenschen” in order to achieve human beings’ reasonable existence value. Marx spenthis whole life focusing on the realistic survival and idealistic development of humanbeings, which contains considerable human treasure in philosophy. He initiallypresented the theory of “Totaler Menschen” and idea of the overall development ofhuman beings, which plays an important role in Marxist ideology. It also works as aguidance to deal with the development of human being nowadays.This thesis presents the historical context, influence, ideal and realistic ultimategoal as well as the overall development of human beings as its main content based onthe theory of “Totaler Menschen”. It also follows the principle of the unity of logicand history and the combination of theory and reality. The first part is the relativehistorical background. It studies the development of human pursuit four historicalstages and paves the way for studying theory of Marx’s “Totaler Menschen”. Thesecond part elaborates the relative conception and its influence. It presents theproposal of the concept of “Totaler Menschen”, the author contrasts it with thethoughts of Marcuse and Fromm in the Frankfurt School and the Sartre’s thought ofhuman in the Existentialism. The third part is the core of the thesis. It analyzes theidealistic and realistic of Marx’s theory of “Totaler Menschen”. Starting from threeaspects, namely alienation, Communism and practice, it discusses the theoretical pathto becoming the “Totaler Menschen”, i.e. the whole process from the idealisticproposal of “Totaler Menschen” to its coming true. The ultimate goal of Marx’s“Totaler Menschen” is to achieve the overall development of human beings.The theory of Marx’s “Totaler Menschen” is a scientific philosophicalexplanation in the way of human development from its early stage to the formation ofthe concept and from the explanation of the relative school to the formation of itsunique system and its relationship with reality. It emphasizes the overall and complete development of human beings and side against the one-sided, deformed and alienateddevelopment of human beings. There is no doubt that Marx’s new exploration to thetheory of “Totaler Menschen” is an important idealistic value and realistic guidance tothe development of human beings in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Totaler Menschen, the overall development ofhuman beings
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