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Research On The Development Of Rural Culture Industry In Qufu

Posted on:2015-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428968217Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, along with our country city and industrialization is accelerating, the citizenization of farmers, rural city is inevitable, the rural cultural construction has ushered in new opportunities for development. With the development of the rural cultural undertakings at the same time, how to accelerate the development of ruralcultural industry, strengthen rural cultural development, many people are thinking about the problem.Qufu is a great thinker, educator Confucius hometown, is world-renowned National Historical and cultural city and international tourist city, is the focus of city culturetourism is the most representative of Shandong culture and tourism image, is Lu culture, Confucian culture, Chinese culture, folk culture of the most concentrated,most rich cultural mecca. With the proposed and the party and the national harmonious society attention to Confucian culture, Qufu will become an importantsymbol of the Chinese culture in the world cultural influence, is also an importantbase in Shandong province of culture and cultural province.Nowadays, the connection between culture and economy more and more closely. In the process of globalization, cultural and economic activity boundaries increasingly blurred, cultural factors penetrate into all areas of economic activity, the materialproduct art, material economy culture trend is strengthening. At the same time,cultural economy is increasingly obvious, cultural production and create gradually towards commercialization and industrialization, spiritual products flood the market,cultural creation become the driving force of economic growth. Strong development momentum of cultural industry, cultural industry production and management oftransnational culture, globalization of the allocation of resources is becoming a trend. In order to further implement the spirit of the eighteen, the full implementation of cultural construction "breakthrough Qufu" strategy, and actively promote the "culture of Qufu special economic zone" construction, and vigorously promote the development and prosperity of Qufu culture industry, enhance the soft power of Qufu.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, culture industry, The rural cultural industry, developmentalpattern
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