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Research On The Influence Of Speech Act Classification Judgment On Communication Result

Posted on:2015-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428967243Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Speech Act Theory, being the most significant and far-reaching theory in the fieldof pragmatics in the study of linguistics, was initially proposed by one of the majorBritish philosophers of language, John Langshaw Austin, in the1950s. In accordancewith this theory, we are implementing certain actions while we are speaking. The veryspecific reason of exerting the actions constitutes a communicative intention.However, the domestic research results of communicative intention are abundant yettoo antiquated and outdated. There is still no authoritative and explicit conclusion orthesis concerning the pivotal and key conceptions of Speech Act Theory, such as thecommunicative intention and the communicative result. The main purpose of thisdissertation is to interpret and solve the newly found issues which come from the mostprevalent communications of people’s daily life with the absorption of myunderstandings of foreign linguistics research literatures under the perspective of theSpeech Act Theory solely. In another word, I am going to express an interpretation onhow to determine the classifications of speech acts in order to obtain thecommunicative intentions and then to make the appropriate corresponding feedbacksthat lead to a satisfactory communicative result.In the preface, this paper firstly introduces the research situation of Speech ActTheory in Chinese linguistic academic filed. And then focuses on the author’sdiscovery from people’s daily life communications which is communicators’ differentestimates of the classification of speech acts would exert great influences on thecommunicative results. In the next, we briefly demonstrate the research method,research thought, research scope and research object.In the first chapter, this paper comprehensively summarizes the researchachievements of western linguistics’ on the topic of the classification of speech actand also express the author’s opinions on the western classification criterions and its contents. And then point out both the characteristics and inadequacies of Chineselinguistic research results of the speech act classification criterions according to thecurrent Chinese research situation that related to this topic.In the second chapter, author primarily discusses the value of the classification ofspeech act, and its function and character. In the later part of this chapter, it focuses onthe practical significance of the classification of the speech act.In the third chapter, this paper uses the Speech Act Theory to explain thatthrough judging the type of speech act would indeed impact the communicationresults. Under the thoroughly thinking of communicative issues found in our daily life,the paper proposes a new understanding and classification criterion of speech act. Inthis chapter, the author also introduces the detailed procedures of judging the speechact type and the how the method will affect on the communication results.In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes some real-life examples under the viewof the practical application of communication strategies and the applied linguisticperspective. This part demonstrates the various communication results that resultingfrom the different speech act types. The paper focuses on transforming the abstractand academic speech act theory points into easily understandable and deployablecommunicative strategies. Based on these objective communication issues in people’sdaily life, this paper tries to provide particular solutions that would help to assist thecommunicative act and improve communicative efficiency.In the conclusion part, it mainly summarizes the core ideas and concludes theoverall summary of this thesis. Also, here we point out the deficiencies of our researchprocess and bring up the similar issues that needed to be studied in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Speech Act Theory, Classification of Speech Act, CommunicativeIntention, Communication Result
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