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The Language Study Of People’s Livelihood News

Posted on:2015-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428962846Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on language of the People’s livelihood news, the articletakes Dalian Evening News, Xinmin Evening News and The city of110as the source of language, using the theory of Journalism andlinguistics, coming to the main aspects of intellectualaccomplishment affects the language of People’s livelihood newsfrom the macroscopic perspective, besides, analyzing the features ofthe language among People’s livelihood news from the titles, textualcohesion of the main content from the microcosmic perspective.People’s livelihood news regard people-oriented as the naturecharacteristics, which decides the report content coming from life,the perspectives based on of the public, language of reports ispopular and colloquial, mode of transmission is interactive.Specifically, in addition to the common features that the newslanguage have, people’s livelihood news has the prominent feature ofpopularization, colloquial, and closing to people’s living.People’s livelihood news can be separated into grammaticalcohesion and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion use approach of correlating, the paper focuses on the endophora of personalpronouns, demonstrative pronouns among people’s livelihood newsdiscourse. Comparing to political news, economic news, and othertopics, first personal pronouns of people’s livelihood news are widelyused; demonstrative pronouns "this" and "that" are often used.Lexical Cohesion often uses the form of repeated verbs. No fixedformat in repeating, words repeating among single topic and a varietyof complex topics.The rhetorical effect analysis of the People’s livelihood newsheadlines from the negative and positive rhetoric both. Analysis ofthe negative rhetoric from the speech rhetoric, the vocabulary ofrhetoric, semantic rhetoric, syntax rhetoric. Analysis of the positiverhetoric starts from the Rhetoric. The title also uses a variety ofrhetorical devices, such as metaphor, analogy, duality, references,puns.
Keywords/Search Tags:People’s livelihood news, news language, Research
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