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Observing Practice Through Music Score

Posted on:2015-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q WangFull Text:PDF
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"Tian Shui Guan"(the first set of Peking opera) translated by Zeng Zhimin, published in June1915, is the earlier music score, not only use the traditional Gongche notation and the western music notation record the Peking opera. The score as an important achievement of Zeng Zhimin’s, has important historical value for the research of Zeng Zhimin’s opera reform practice. This paper aims to observing practice through music score, that is through analysis and research the "Tian Shui Guan"score, explore Zeng Zhimin’s opera reform practice. In addition, except analysis and research the score,the paper pay more attention to the music culture and other related matters, such as China and the west country’s music cultural exchange, the development and evolution of the traditional music scores, the music inheritance way, the significance and limitation of music scores, opera reform in the late Qing Dynasty, the music score writer and his concept of opera improvement etc. At the same time, the paper also made a system analysis and discussion to Zeng Zhimin’s article "opera improved100words".The article and the music score’s conception tally, embodies Zeng Zhimin’s opera reform theory and practice. The paper is divided into three chapters except introduction and conclusion, the first chapter discusses the culture background of early opera music scores, the way of write opera music scores, significance and limitation of music scores; the second chapter focuses on the life path of Zeng Zhimin and his published article of opera reform theory "opera improved100words"; the third chapter mainly introduce the music score of "Tian shui guan", music score contend characteristics.. social influence and evaluation; finally is the conclusion. Besides observing practice through music score’s purpose, I also hope that through this research, explore the first half of the twentieth Century Beijing opera music’s written style, and music scores used in recording Beijing opera’s early state, especially provides a reference for other research;at the same time, expand the understanding of the research perspective and contribution of Zeng Zhimin through his opera music scores and reform practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Tian shui guan", Zeng Zhimin, opera improvement
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