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The Study Of Fuzzy Language And Its Interpretation Tactics In Foreign Affairs Activities

Posted on:2015-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since1960s, the researchers who are coming from western and easterncountries have been showing great interests and attention on fuzzy language. Withthe further development of economy in China, the interpretation in foreign affairsactivities has played an increasingly important role in the relationship between othercountries all over the world. It concerned with the image and benefits as well asdignity of our nation, therefore the utility of fuzzy language could deal with thecontroversial issues during the foreign affairs activities. As a result, the scholarsshould pay more and more attention on fuzzy language and its interpretation tacticsgradually.Fuzziness is an inherent character of language which exists at almost everyaspect of human life and plays an irreplaceable role in social activities. Interpretationin foreign affairs activities is inevitably faced with the issue which has to be solveddue to the fuzziness of language. The utility of fuzzy language could help interpretercomplete task during the interpretation and keep the relationship harmoniously inglobal nations. The successes of foreign affairs activities can not be separated withthe efforts of interpreters.In light of the theory of equivalent effect proposed by Nida, the paper combinedthe practical experience with other interpreters. The author promoted the efficiencyon practical interpretation by conducting a research on how to handle fuzzyinformation accurately.The paper carried out the research on fuzzy language and its interpretationtactics in foreign activities in five chapters. In the first chapter, it gave a briefintroduction of objective, issues and significance as well as layout. In chapter Two, itmainly solved the problem of the definition interpretation in foreign activities and features included. In chapter Three, it gave an detailed introduction of fuzziness oflanguage and the instructive effect of equivalent effect proposed by Nida. Based onthe theory proposed in chapter Three, chapter Four conducted the method and tacticsof interpretation in foreign affairs activities which is the core part of the paper. In theend,the author drew a conclusion in chapter five and pointed out that the furtherresearch needs to be done.The author hoped the research on fuzzy information and its interpretation tacticsmade by her could boost the development of interpretation practice and promoted theinterpreting ability of interpreters via the analysis on interpretation cases in foreignaffairs activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuzzy Language, Foreign Affairs, Equivalent Effect, Information
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